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* Copyright (c) 2021-2023, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include "I18N.h"
// Turkmen localization file
namespace i2p
namespace i18n
namespace turkmen // language namespace
// language name in lowercase
static std::string language = "turkmen";
// See for language plural forms here:
// https://localization-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/l10n/pluralforms.html
static int plural (int n) {
return n != 1 ? 1 : 0;
static std::map<std::string, std::string> strings
{"%.2f KiB", "%.2f KiB"},
{"%.2f MiB", "%.2f MiB"},
{"%.2f GiB", "%.2f GiB"},
{"building", "bina"},
{"failed", "şowsuz"},
{"expiring", "möhleti gutarýar"},
{"established", "işleýär"},
{"unknown", "näbelli"},
{"exploratory", "gözleg"},
{"Purple I2P Webconsole", "Web konsoly Purple I2P"},
{"<b>i2pd</b> webconsole", "Web konsoly <b>i2pd</b>"},
{"Main page", "Esasy sahypa"},
{"Router commands", "Marşrutizator buýruklary"},
{"Local Destinations", "Ýerli ýerler"},
{"LeaseSets", "Lizset"},
{"Tunnels", "Tuneller"},
{"Transit Tunnels", "Tranzit Tunelleri"},
{"Transports", "Daşamak"},
{"I2P tunnels", "I2P tuneller"},
{"SAM sessions", "SAM Sessiýasy"},
{"ERROR", "Ýalňyşlyk"},
{"OK", "OK"},
{"Testing", "Synag etmek"},
{"Firewalled", "Daşynda petiklendi"},
{"Unknown", "Näbelli"},
{"Proxy", "Proksi"},
{"Mesh", "MESH-tor"},
{"Clock skew", "Takyk wagt däl"},
{"Offline", "Awtonom"},
{"Symmetric NAT", "Simmetriklik NAT"},
{"Uptime", "Onlaýn onlaýn sözlügi"},
{"Network status", "Tor ýagdaýy"},
{"Network status v6", "Tor ýagdaýy v6"},
{"Stopping in", "Soň duruň"},
{"Family", "Maşgala"},
{"Tunnel creation success rate", "Gurlan teneller üstünlikli gurlan teneller"},
{"Received", "Alnan"},
{"%.2f KiB/s", "%.2f KiB/s"},
{"Sent", "Ýerleşdirildi"},
{"Transit", "Tranzit"},
{"Data path", "Maglumat ýoly"},
{"Hidden content. Press on text to see.", "Gizlin mazmun. Görkezmek üçin tekste basyň."},
{"Router Ident", "Marşrutly kesgitleýji"},
{"Router Family", "Marşrutler maşgalasy"},
{"Router Caps", "Baýdaklar marşruteri"},
{"Version", "Wersiýasy"},
{"Our external address", "Daşarky salgymyz"},
{"supported", "goldanýar"},
{"Routers", "Marşrutizatorlar"},
{"Floodfills", "Fludfillar"},
{"Client Tunnels", "Müşderi tunelleri"},
{"Services", "Hyzmatlar"},
{"Enabled", "Goşuldy"},
{"Disabled", "Öçürildi"},
{"Encrypted B33 address", "Şifrlenen B33 salgylar"},
{"Address registration line", "Hasaba alyş salgysy"},
{"Domain", "Domen"},
{"Generate", "Öndürmek"},
{"<b>Note:</b> result string can be used only for registering 2LD domains (example.i2p). For registering subdomains please use i2pd-tools.", "<b>Bellik:</b> Alnan setir diňe ikinji derejeli domenleri bellige almak üçin ulanylyp bilner (example.i2p). Subýutmalary hasaba almak üçin i2pd ulanyň-tools."},
{"Address", "Salgysy"},
{"Type", "Görnüş"},
{"EncType", "Şifrlemek görnüşi"},
{"Inbound tunnels", "Gelýän tuneller"},
{"%dms", "%dms"},
{"Outbound tunnels", "Çykýan tuneller"},
{"Tags", "Bellikler"},
{"Incoming", "Gelýän"},
{"Outgoing", "Çykýan"},
{"Destination", "Maksat"},
{"Amount", "Sany"},
{"Incoming Tags", "Gelýän bellikler"},
{"Tags sessions", "Sapaklar bellikler"},
{"Status", "Ýagdaýy"},
{"Local Destination", "Ýerli maksat"},
{"Streams", "Strimlary"},
{"Close stream", "Yap strim"},
{"I2CP session not found", "I2CP Sessiýa tapylmady"},
{"I2CP is not enabled", "I2CP goşulmaýar"},
{"Invalid", "Nädogry"},
{"Store type", "Ammar görnüşi"},
{"Expires", "Möhleti gutarýar"},
{"Non Expired Leases", "Möhleti gutarmady Lizsetlary"},
{"Gateway", "Derweze"},
{"TunnelID", "Tuneliň ID"},
{"EndDate", "Gutarýar"},
{"Queue size", "Nobatyň ululygy"},
{"Run peer test", "Synag başlaň"},
{"Decline transit tunnels", "Tranzit tunellerini ret ediň"},
{"Accept transit tunnels", "Tranzit tunellerini alyň"},
{"Cancel graceful shutdown", "Tekiz durmagy ýatyryň"},
{"Start graceful shutdown", "Tekiz durmak"},
{"Force shutdown", "Mejbury duralga"},
{"Reload external CSS styles", "Daşarky CSS stillerini täzeden ýükläň"},
{"<b>Note:</b> any action done here are not persistent and not changes your config files.", "<b>Bellik:</b> Bu ýerde öndürilen islendik çäre hemişelik däl we konfigurasiýa faýllaryňyzy üýtgetmeýär."},
{"Logging level", "Giriş derejesi"},
{"Transit tunnels limit", "Tranzit tunelleriniň çägi"},
{"Change", "Üýtgetmek"},
{"Change language", "Dil üýtgetmek"},
{"no transit tunnels currently built", "gurlan tranzit tunelleri ýok"},
{"SAM disabled", "SAM öçürilen"},
{"no sessions currently running", "başlamagyň sessiýalary ýok"},
{"SAM session not found", "SAM Sessiýa tapylmady"},
{"SAM Session", "SAM Sessiýa"},
{"Server Tunnels", "Serwer tunelleri"},
{"Client Forwards", "Müşderi gönükdirýär"},
{"Server Forwards", "Serweriň täzeden düzlüleri"},
{"Unknown page", "Näbelli sahypa"},
{"Invalid token", "Nädogry token"},
{"SUCCESS", "Üstünlikli"},
{"Stream closed", "Strim ýapyk"},
{"Stream not found or already was closed", "Strim tapylmady ýa-da eýýäm ýapyldy"},
{"Destination not found", "Niýetlenen ýeri tapylmady"},
{"StreamID can't be null", "StreamID boş bolup bilmez"},
{"Return to destination page", "Barmaly nokadynyň nokadyna gaýdyp geliň"},
{"Back to commands list", "Topar sanawyna dolan"},
{"Register at reg.i2p", "Reg.i2P-de hasaba duruň"},
{"Description", "Beýany"},
{"A bit information about service on domain", "Domendäki hyzmat barada käbir maglumatlar"},
{"Submit", "Iber"},
{"Domain can't end with .b32.i2p", "Domain .b32.i2p bilen gutaryp bilmez"},
{"Domain must end with .i2p", "Domeni .i2p bilen gutarmaly"},
{"Such destination is not found", "Bu barmaly ýer tapylmady"},
{"Unknown command", "Näbelli topar"},
{"Command accepted", "Topar kabul edilýär"},
{"Proxy error", "Proksi ýalňyşlygy"},
{"Proxy info", "Proksi maglumat"},
{"Proxy error: Host not found", "Proksi ýalňyşlygy: Host tapylmady"},
{"Remote host not found in router's addressbook", "Uzakdaky öý eýesi marşruteriň salgy kitabynda tapylmady"},
{"You may try to find this host on jump services below", "Aşakdaky böküş hyzmatlarynda bu öý eýesini tapmaga synanyşyp bilersiňiz"},
{"Invalid request", "Nädogry haýyş"},
{"Proxy unable to parse your request", "Proksi haýyşyňyzy derňäp bilmeýär"},
{"Invalid request URI", "Nädogry haýyş URI"},
{"Can't detect destination host from request", "Haýyşdan barmaly ýerini tapyp bilemok"},
{"Outproxy failure", "Daşarky proksi ýalňyşlyk"},
{"Bad outproxy settings", "Daşarky Daşarky proksi sazlamalary nädogry"},
{"Host %s is not inside I2P network, but outproxy is not enabled", "Adres %s I2P torunda däl, ýöne daşarky proksi goşulmaýar"},
{"Unknown outproxy URL", "Näbelli daşarky proksi URL"},
{"Cannot resolve upstream proxy", "Has ýokary proksi kesgitläp bilmeýär"},
{"Hostname is too long", "Hoster eýesi ady gaty uzyn"},
{"Cannot connect to upstream SOCKS proxy", "Ýokary jorap SOCKS proksi bilen birigip bolmaýar"},
{"Cannot negotiate with SOCKS proxy", "Iň ýokary jorap SOCKS proksi bilen ylalaşyp bilmeýärler"},
{"CONNECT error", "Bagyr haýyşy säwligi"},
{"Failed to connect", "Birikdirip bilmedi"},
{"SOCKS proxy error", "SOCKS proksi ýalňyşlygy"},
{"Failed to send request to upstream", "Öý eýesi proksi üçin haýyş iberip bilmedi"},
{"No reply from SOCKS proxy", "Jorap SOCKS proksi serwerinden hiç hili jogap ýok"},
{"Cannot connect", "Birikdirip bilmedi"},
{"HTTP out proxy not implemented", "Daşarky HTTP proksi serwerini goldamak amala aşyrylmaýar"},
{"Cannot connect to upstream HTTP proxy", "Ýokary jorap HTTP proksi bilen birigip bolmaýar"},
{"Host is down", "Salgy elýeterli däl"},
{"Can't create connection to requested host, it may be down. Please try again later.", "Talap edilýän salgyda birikmäni gurup bilmedim, onlaýn bolup bilmez. Soňra haýyşy soň gaýtalamaga synanyşyň."},
{"", ""},
static std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> plurals
{"%d days", {"%d gün", "%d gün"}},
{"%d hours", {"%d sagat", "%d sagat"}},
{"%d minutes", {"%d minut", "%d minut"}},
{"%d seconds", {"%d sekunt", "%d sekunt"}},
{"", {"", ""}},
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::i18n::Locale> GetLocale()
return std::make_shared<i2p::i18n::Locale>(language, strings, plurals, [] (int n)->int { return plural(n); });
} // language
} // i18n
} // i2p