#include #include #include #include #include "Log.h" #include "I2PEndian.h" #include "Timestamp.h" #include"RouterContext.h" #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef _WIN64 #define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T #endif #endif namespace i2p { namespace util { int64_t g_TimeOffset; static inline void setTimeOffset(int64_t ts){g_TimeOffset=ts;} bool timeCorrecting(uint32_t signedOnTime, uint32_t ts, uint32_t skew, const char * ErrorMsg){ bool Time_Correcting; i2p::config::GetOption("time.correcting", Time_Correcting); if( !Time_Correcting ){ LogPrint (eLogError, ErrorMsg, (int)ts - signedOnTime, ". Check your clock"); i2p::context.SetError (eRouterErrorClockSkew); return false; } if (signedOnTime > 2208988800U) signedOnTime -= 2208988800U; // 1/1/1970 from 1/1/1900 LogPrint (eLogWarning, "I2Pd Time correcting: timeCorrecting "); i2p::util::setTimeOffset( signedOnTime < ts - skew ? -signedOnTime : signedOnTime ); return true; } //TODO: ...Syncing with option bool SyncTimeWithNTP (void) { bool UseNTP; i2p::config::GetOption("time.use_ntp", UseNTP); if(!UseNTP) return false; std::string address; i2p::config::GetOption("time.ntp_server", address); std::vector addresses; boost::split(addresses, address, boost::is_any_of(",")); for ( auto addr : addresses ){ LogPrint (eLogInfo, "I2Pd Time Correcting: SyncingWithNTP with server ", addr); boost::asio::io_service service; boost::asio::ip::udp::resolver::query query (boost::asio::ip::udp::v4 (), addr, "ntp"); boost::system::error_code ec; auto it = boost::asio::ip::udp::resolver (service).resolve (query, ec); if (!ec && it != boost::asio::ip::udp::resolver::iterator()) { auto ep = (*it).endpoint (); // take first one boost::asio::ip::udp::socket socket (service); socket.open (boost::asio::ip::udp::v4 (), ec); if (!ec) { uint8_t buf[48];// 48 bytes NTP request/response memset (buf, 0, 48); htobe32buf (buf, (3 << 27) | (3 << 24)); // RFC 4330 size_t len = 0; try { socket.send_to (boost::asio::buffer (buf, 48), ep); int i = 0; while (!socket.available() && i < NTPMaxTimeConnecting) // 10 seconds max { std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::seconds(1)); i++; } if( i == NTPMaxTimeConnecting ) throw( std::runtime_error("timeout" ) ); if (socket.available ()) len = socket.receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (buf, 48), ep); if(len < 8) throw( std::runtime_error("len of answer not equal 8") ); auto ourTs = GetSecondsSinceEpoch (); uint32_t ts = bufbe32toh (buf + 32); LogPrint (eLogDebug, "I2Pd Time Correcting: SyncingWithNTP ",ourTs, " < our not our > ", ts); if (ts > 2208988800U) ts -= 2208988800U; // 1/1/1970 from 1/1/1900 setTimeOffset( ts - ourTs ); LogPrint (eLogDebug, "I2Pd Time Correcting: ", addr, " time offset from system time is ", g_TimeOffset, " seconds"); break; }catch (std::exception& e) { LogPrint (eLogError, "NTP error: ", e.what ()); } } } } return true; } } }