* Copyright (c) 2013-2020, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree

#include "Log.h"
#include "I2NPProtocol.h"
#include "Transports.h"
#include "NetDb.hpp"
#include "NetDbRequests.h"

namespace i2p
namespace data
	std::shared_ptr<I2NPMessage> RequestedDestination::CreateRequestMessage (std::shared_ptr<const RouterInfo> router,
		std::shared_ptr<const i2p::tunnel::InboundTunnel> replyTunnel)
		std::shared_ptr<I2NPMessage> msg;
			msg = i2p::CreateRouterInfoDatabaseLookupMsg (m_Destination,
				replyTunnel->GetNextIdentHash (), replyTunnel->GetNextTunnelID (), m_IsExploratory,
			msg = i2p::CreateRouterInfoDatabaseLookupMsg(m_Destination, i2p::context.GetIdentHash(), 0, m_IsExploratory, &m_ExcludedPeers);
			m_ExcludedPeers.insert (router->GetIdentHash ());
		m_CreationTime = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch ();
		return msg;

	std::shared_ptr<I2NPMessage> RequestedDestination::CreateRequestMessage (const IdentHash& floodfill)
		auto msg = i2p::CreateRouterInfoDatabaseLookupMsg (m_Destination,
			i2p::context.GetRouterInfo ().GetIdentHash () , 0, false, &m_ExcludedPeers);
		m_ExcludedPeers.insert (floodfill);
		m_CreationTime = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch ();
		return msg;

	void RequestedDestination::ClearExcludedPeers ()
		m_ExcludedPeers.clear ();

	void RequestedDestination::Success (std::shared_ptr<RouterInfo> r)
		if (m_RequestComplete)
			m_RequestComplete (r);
			m_RequestComplete = nullptr;

	void RequestedDestination::Fail ()
		if (m_RequestComplete)
			m_RequestComplete (nullptr);
			m_RequestComplete = nullptr;

	void NetDbRequests::Start ()

	void NetDbRequests::Stop ()
		m_RequestedDestinations.clear ();

	std::shared_ptr<RequestedDestination> NetDbRequests::CreateRequest (const IdentHash& destination, bool isExploratory, RequestedDestination::RequestComplete requestComplete)
		// request RouterInfo directly
		auto dest = std::make_shared<RequestedDestination> (destination, isExploratory);
		dest->SetRequestComplete (requestComplete);
			std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m_RequestedDestinationsMutex);
			if (!m_RequestedDestinations.insert (std::make_pair (destination, dest)).second) // not inserted
				return nullptr;
		return dest;

	void NetDbRequests::RequestComplete (const IdentHash& ident, std::shared_ptr<RouterInfo> r)
		std::shared_ptr<RequestedDestination> request;
			std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m_RequestedDestinationsMutex);
			auto it = m_RequestedDestinations.find (ident);
			if (it != m_RequestedDestinations.end ())
				request = it->second;
				m_RequestedDestinations.erase (it);
		if (request)
			if (r)
				request->Success (r);
				request->Fail ();

	std::shared_ptr<RequestedDestination> NetDbRequests::FindRequest (const IdentHash& ident) const
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m_RequestedDestinationsMutex);
		auto it = m_RequestedDestinations.find (ident);
		if (it != m_RequestedDestinations.end ())
			return it->second;
		return nullptr;

	void NetDbRequests::ManageRequests ()
		uint64_t ts = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch ();
		std::unique_lock<std::mutex> l(m_RequestedDestinationsMutex);
		for (auto it = m_RequestedDestinations.begin (); it != m_RequestedDestinations.end ();)
			auto& dest = it->second;
			bool done = false;
			if (ts < dest->GetCreationTime () + 60) // request is worthless after 1 minute
				if (ts > dest->GetCreationTime () + 5) // no response for 5 seconds
					auto count = dest->GetExcludedPeers ().size ();
					if (!dest->IsExploratory () && count < 7)
						auto pool = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetExploratoryPool ();
						auto outbound = pool->GetNextOutboundTunnel ();
						auto inbound = pool->GetNextInboundTunnel ();
						auto nextFloodfill = netdb.GetClosestFloodfill (dest->GetDestination (), dest->GetExcludedPeers ());
						if (nextFloodfill && outbound && inbound)
							outbound->SendTunnelDataMsg (nextFloodfill->GetIdentHash (), 0,
								dest->CreateRequestMessage (nextFloodfill, inbound));
							done = true;
							if (!inbound) LogPrint (eLogWarning, "NetDbReq: No inbound tunnels");
							if (!outbound) LogPrint (eLogWarning, "NetDbReq: No outbound tunnels");
							if (!nextFloodfill) LogPrint (eLogWarning, "NetDbReq: No more floodfills");
						if (!dest->IsExploratory ())
							LogPrint (eLogWarning, "NetDbReq: ", dest->GetDestination ().ToBase64 (), " not found after 7 attempts");
						done = true;
			else // delete obsolete request
				done = true;

			if (done)
				it = m_RequestedDestinations.erase (it);