Building on Android

There are two versions: with QT and without QT.


You need to install Android SDK, NDK  and QT with android support.

- [SDK]( (choose command line tools only)  
- [NDK](  
- [QT]( QT only). Choose one for your platform for android. For example QT 5.6 under Linux would be [this file](  )

You also need Java JDK and Ant.

QT-Creator (for QT only)
Open QT-creator that should be installed with QT.  
Go to Settings/Anndroid and specify correct paths to SDK and NDK.
If everything is correct you will see two set avaiable:  
Android for armeabi-v7a (gcc, qt) and Android for x86 (gcc, qt).

Take following pre-compiled binaries from PurpleI2P's repositories.  
git clone  
git clone  
git clone  
git clone  

Building the app with QT
- Open qt/i2pd_qt/ in the QT-creator   
- Change line MAIN_PATH = /path/to/libraries to an actual path where you put the dependancies to  
- Select appropriate project (usually armeabi-v7a) and build    
- You will find an .apk file in android-build/bin folder    

Building the app without QT
- Change line I2PD_LIBS_PATH in android/jni/ to an actual path where you put the dependancies to  
- Run 'ndk-build -j4' from andorid folder  
- Create or edit file ''. Place 'sdk.dir=<path to SDK>' and 'ndk.dir=<path to NDK>'  
- Run 'ant clean debug'

Creating release .apk
In order to create release .apk you must obtain a Java keystore file(.jks). Either you have in already, or you can generate it yourself using keytool, or from one of you existing well-know ceritificates. For example, i2pd release are signed with this [certificate](  
Create file 'ant.propeties''path to keystore file'  
key.alias='alias name''keystore password'  
key.alias.password='alias password'   
Run 'ant clean release'