#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cryptopp/dh.h>
#include <cryptopp/gzip.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "RouterInfo.h"
#include "RouterContext.h"
#include "Tunnel.h"
#include "Timestamp.h"
#include "CryptoConst.h"
#include "NetDb.h"
#include "Streaming.h"

namespace i2p
namespace stream
	Stream::Stream (boost::asio::io_service& service, StreamingDestination * local, 
		const i2p::data::LeaseSet& remote): m_Service (service), m_SendStreamID (0), 
		m_SequenceNumber (0), m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber (-1), m_IsOpen (false),  
		m_LeaseSetUpdated (true), m_LocalDestination (local), m_RemoteLeaseSet (&remote),
		m_RoutingSession (nullptr), m_CurrentOutboundTunnel (nullptr), 
		m_ReceiveTimer (m_Service), m_ResendTimer (m_Service)
		m_RecvStreamID = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator ().GenerateWord32 ();
		UpdateCurrentRemoteLease ();

	Stream::Stream (boost::asio::io_service& service, StreamingDestination * local):
		m_Service (service), m_SendStreamID (0), m_SequenceNumber (0), m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber (-1), 
		m_IsOpen (false), m_LeaseSetUpdated (true), m_LocalDestination (local),
		m_RemoteLeaseSet (nullptr), m_RoutingSession (nullptr), m_CurrentOutboundTunnel (nullptr), 
		m_ReceiveTimer (m_Service), m_ResendTimer (m_Service)
		m_RecvStreamID = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator ().GenerateWord32 ();

	Stream::~Stream ()
		Close ();
		m_ReceiveTimer.cancel ();
		m_ResendTimer.cancel ();
		while (!m_ReceiveQueue.empty ())
			auto packet = m_ReceiveQueue.front ();
			m_ReceiveQueue.pop ();
			delete packet;
		for (auto it: m_SavedPackets)
			delete it;
		for (auto it: m_SentPackets)
			delete it;
	void Stream::HandleNextPacket (Packet * packet)
		if (!m_SendStreamID) 
			m_SendStreamID = packet->GetReceiveStreamID (); 	

		if (!packet->IsNoAck ()) // ack received
			ProcessAck (packet);
		int32_t receivedSeqn = packet->GetSeqn ();
		bool isSyn = packet->IsSYN ();
		if (!receivedSeqn && !isSyn)
			// plain ack
			LogPrint ("Plain ACK received");
			delete packet;

		LogPrint ("Received seqn=", receivedSeqn); 
		if (isSyn || receivedSeqn == m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber + 1)
			// we have received next in sequence message
			ProcessPacket (packet);
			// we should also try stored messages if any
			for (auto it = m_SavedPackets.begin (); it != m_SavedPackets.end ();)
				if ((*it)->GetSeqn () == (uint32_t)(m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber + 1))
					Packet * savedPacket = *it;
					m_SavedPackets.erase (it++);

					ProcessPacket (savedPacket);

			// send ack for last message
			if (m_IsOpen)
				SendQuickAck ();	
			else if (isSyn)
				// we have to send SYN back to incoming connection
				Send (nullptr, 0, 0); // also sets m_IsOpen				
			if (receivedSeqn <= m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber)
				// we have received duplicate. Most likely our outbound tunnel is dead
				LogPrint ("Duplicate message ", receivedSeqn, " received");
				m_CurrentOutboundTunnel = nullptr; // pick another outbound tunnel 
				UpdateCurrentRemoteLease (); // pick another lease
				SendQuickAck (); // resend ack for previous message again
				delete packet; // packet dropped
				LogPrint ("Missing messages from ", m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber + 1, " to ", receivedSeqn - 1);
				// save message and wait for missing message again
				SavePacket (packet);

	void Stream::SavePacket (Packet * packet)
		m_SavedPackets.insert (packet);

	void Stream::ProcessPacket (Packet * packet)
		// process flags
		uint32_t receivedSeqn = packet->GetSeqn ();
		uint16_t flags = packet->GetFlags ();
		LogPrint ("Process seqn=", receivedSeqn, ", flags=", flags);
		const uint8_t * optionData = packet->GetOptionData ();
			LogPrint ("Synchronize");

			optionData += 2;
			optionData += m_RemoteIdentity.FromBuffer (optionData, packet->GetOptionSize ());
			LogPrint ("From identity ", m_RemoteIdentity.GetIdentHash ().ToBase64 ());		
			if (!m_RemoteLeaseSet)
				LogPrint ("Incoming stream from ", m_RemoteIdentity.GetIdentHash ().ToBase64 ());

			uint16_t maxPacketSize = be16toh (*(uint16_t *)optionData);
			LogPrint ("Max packet size ", maxPacketSize);
			optionData += 2;
			LogPrint ("Signature");
			uint8_t signature[256]; 
			auto signatureLen = m_RemoteIdentity.GetSignatureLen ();
			memcpy (signature, optionData, signatureLen);
			memset (const_cast<uint8_t *>(optionData), 0, signatureLen);
			if (!m_RemoteIdentity.Verify (packet->GetBuffer (), packet->GetLength (), signature))
				LogPrint ("Signature verification failed");
			    Close ();
				flags |= PACKET_FLAG_CLOSE;
			memcpy (const_cast<uint8_t *>(optionData), signature, signatureLen);
			optionData += signatureLen;

		packet->offset = packet->GetPayload () - packet->buf;
		if (packet->GetLength () > 0)
			m_ReceiveQueue.push (packet);
			m_ReceiveTimer.cancel ();
			delete packet;
		m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber = receivedSeqn;

		if (flags & PACKET_FLAG_CLOSE)
			LogPrint ("Closed");
			SendQuickAck (); // send ack for close explicitly?
			m_IsOpen = false;
			m_ReceiveTimer.cancel ();
			m_ResendTimer.cancel ();

	void Stream::ProcessAck (Packet * packet)
		uint32_t ackThrough = packet->GetAckThrough ();
		int nackCount = packet->GetNACKCount ();
		for (auto it = m_SentPackets.begin (); it != m_SentPackets.end ();)
			auto seqn = (*it)->GetSeqn ();
			if (seqn <= ackThrough)
				if (nackCount > 0)
					bool nacked = false;
					for (int i = 0; i < nackCount; i++)
						if (seqn == packet->GetNACK (i))
							nacked = true;
					if (nacked)
						LogPrint ("Packet ", seqn, " NACK");
				auto sentPacket = *it;
				LogPrint ("Packet ", seqn, " acknowledged");
				m_SentPackets.erase (it++);
				delete sentPacket;	
		if (m_SentPackets.empty ())
			m_ResendTimer.cancel ();
	size_t Stream::Send (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len, int timeout)
		bool isNoAck = m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber < 0; // first packet
		while (!m_IsOpen || len > 0)
			Packet * p = new Packet ();
			uint8_t * packet = p->GetBuffer ();
			// TODO: implement setters
			size_t size = 0;
			*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_SendStreamID);
			size += 4; // sendStreamID
			*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_RecvStreamID);
			size += 4; // receiveStreamID
			*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_SequenceNumber++);
			size += 4; // sequenceNum
			if (isNoAck)			
				*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber);
				*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = 0;
			size += 4; // ack Through
			packet[size] = 0; 
			size++; // NACK count
			size++; // resend delay
			if (!m_IsOpen)
				//  initial packet
				m_IsOpen = true;
				if (isNoAck) flags |= PACKET_FLAG_NO_ACK;
				*(uint16_t *)(packet + size) = htobe16 (flags);
				size += 2; // flags
				size_t identityLen = m_LocalDestination->GetIdentity ().GetFullLen ();
				size_t signatureLen = m_LocalDestination->GetIdentity ().GetSignatureLen ();
				*(uint16_t *)(packet + size) = htobe16 (identityLen + signatureLen + 2); // identity + signature + packet size
				size += 2; // options size
				m_LocalDestination->GetIdentity ().ToBuffer (packet + size, identityLen); 
				size += identityLen; // from
				*(uint16_t *)(packet + size) = htobe16 (STREAMING_MTU);
				size += 2; // max packet size
				uint8_t * signature = packet + size; // set it later
				memset (signature, 0, signatureLen); // zeroes for now
				size += signatureLen; // signature
				size_t sentLen = STREAMING_MTU - size;
				if (len < sentLen) sentLen = len;		
				memcpy (packet + size, buf, sentLen); 
				buf += sentLen;
				len -= sentLen;
				size += sentLen; // payload
				m_LocalDestination->Sign (packet, size, signature);
				// follow on packet
				*(uint16_t *)(packet + size) = 0;
				size += 2; // flags
				*(uint16_t *)(packet + size) = 0; // no options
				size += 2; // options size
				size_t sentLen = STREAMING_MTU - size;
				if (len < sentLen) sentLen = len;		
				memcpy (packet + size, buf, sentLen); 
				buf += sentLen;
				len -= sentLen;
				size += sentLen; // payload
			p->len = size;
			m_Service.post (boost::bind (&Stream::SendPacket, this, p));

		return len;

	void Stream::SendQuickAck ()
		Packet p;
		uint8_t * packet = p.GetBuffer ();	
		size_t size = 0;
		*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_SendStreamID);
		size += 4; // sendStreamID
		*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_RecvStreamID);
		size += 4; // receiveStreamID
		*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = 0; // this is plain Ack message
		size += 4; // sequenceNum
		*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber);
		size += 4; // ack Through
		packet[size] = 0; 
		size++; // NACK count
		size++; // resend delay
		*(uint16_t *)(packet + size) = 0; // nof flags set
		size += 2; // flags
		*(uint16_t *)(packet + size) = 0; // no options
		size += 2; // options size
		p.len = size;		

		SendPackets (std::vector<Packet *> { &p });
		LogPrint ("Quick Ack sent");

	void Stream::Close ()
		if (m_IsOpen)
			m_IsOpen = false;
			Packet * p = new Packet ();
			uint8_t * packet = p->GetBuffer ();
			size_t size = 0;
			*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_SendStreamID);
			size += 4; // sendStreamID
			*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_RecvStreamID);
			size += 4; // receiveStreamID
			*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_SequenceNumber++);
			size += 4; // sequenceNum
			*(uint32_t *)(packet + size) = htobe32 (m_LastReceivedSequenceNumber);
			size += 4; // ack Through
			packet[size] = 0; 
			size++; // NACK count
			size++; // resend delay
			*(uint16_t *)(packet + size) = htobe16 (PACKET_FLAG_CLOSE | PACKET_FLAG_SIGNATURE_INCLUDED);
			size += 2; // flags
			size_t signatureLen = m_LocalDestination->GetIdentity ().GetSignatureLen ();
			*(uint16_t *)(packet + size) = htobe16 (signatureLen); // signature only
			size += 2; // options size
			uint8_t * signature = packet + size;
			memset (packet + size, 0, signatureLen);
			size += signatureLen; // signature
			m_LocalDestination->Sign (packet, size, signature);
			p->len = size;
			m_Service.post (boost::bind (&Stream::SendPacket, this, p));
			LogPrint ("FIN sent");

	size_t Stream::ConcatenatePackets (uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
		size_t pos = 0;
		while (pos < len && !m_ReceiveQueue.empty ())
			Packet * packet = m_ReceiveQueue.front ();
			size_t l = std::min (packet->GetLength (), len - pos);
			memcpy (buf + pos, packet->GetBuffer (), l);
			pos += l;
			packet->offset += l;
			if (!packet->GetLength ())
				m_ReceiveQueue.pop ();
				delete packet;
		return pos; 

	bool Stream::SendPacket (Packet * packet)
		if (packet)
			SendPackets (std::vector<Packet *> { packet });
			bool isEmpty = m_SentPackets.empty ();
			m_SentPackets.insert (packet);
			if (isEmpty)
				ScheduleResend ();
			return true;
			return false;
	void Stream::SendPackets (const std::vector<Packet *>& packets)
		if (!m_RemoteLeaseSet)
			UpdateCurrentRemoteLease ();	
			if (!m_RemoteLeaseSet)
				LogPrint ("Can't send packets. Missing remote LeaseSet");

		const i2p::data::LeaseSet * leaseSet = nullptr;
		if (m_LeaseSetUpdated)
			leaseSet = m_LocalDestination->GetLeaseSet ();
			m_LeaseSetUpdated = false;

		m_CurrentOutboundTunnel = m_LocalDestination->GetTunnelPool ()->GetNextOutboundTunnel (m_CurrentOutboundTunnel);
		if (m_CurrentOutboundTunnel)
			auto ts = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch ();
			if (ts >= m_CurrentRemoteLease.endDate)
				UpdateCurrentRemoteLease ();
			if (ts < m_CurrentRemoteLease.endDate)
				std::vector<i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock> msgs;
				for (auto it: packets)
					auto msg = m_RoutingSession->WrapSingleMessage ( 
						CreateDataMessage (this, it->GetBuffer (), it->GetLength ()), 
					msgs.push_back (i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock 
									m_CurrentRemoteLease.tunnelGateway, m_CurrentRemoteLease.tunnelID,
					leaseSet = nullptr; // send leaseSet only one time
				m_CurrentOutboundTunnel->SendTunnelDataMsg (msgs);
				LogPrint ("All leases are expired");
			LogPrint ("No outbound tunnels in the pool");

	void Stream::ScheduleResend ()
		m_ResendTimer.cancel ();
		m_ResendTimer.expires_from_now (boost::posix_time::seconds(RESEND_TIMEOUT));
		m_ResendTimer.async_wait (boost::bind (&Stream::HandleResendTimer,
			this, boost::asio::placeholders::error));
	void Stream::HandleResendTimer (const boost::system::error_code& ecode)
		if (ecode != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
			std::vector<Packet *> packets;
			for (auto it : m_SentPackets)
				if (it->numResendAttempts <= MAX_NUM_RESEND_ATTEMPTS)
					packets.push_back (it);
					Close ();
					m_ReceiveTimer.cancel ();
			if (packets.size () > 0)
				m_CurrentOutboundTunnel = nullptr; // pick another outbound tunnel 
				UpdateCurrentRemoteLease (); // pick another lease
				SendPackets (packets);
			ScheduleResend ();
	void Stream::UpdateCurrentRemoteLease ()
		if (!m_RemoteLeaseSet)
			m_RemoteLeaseSet = i2p::data::netdb.FindLeaseSet (m_RemoteIdentity.GetIdentHash ());
			if (!m_RemoteLeaseSet)		
				LogPrint ("LeaseSet ", m_RemoteIdentity.GetIdentHash ().ToBase64 (), " not found");
		if (m_RemoteLeaseSet)
			if (!m_RoutingSession)
				m_RoutingSession = i2p::garlic::routing.GetRoutingSession (*m_RemoteLeaseSet, 32);
			auto leases = m_RemoteLeaseSet->GetNonExpiredLeases ();
			if (!leases.empty ())
				uint32_t i = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator ().GenerateWord32 (0, leases.size () - 1);
				m_CurrentRemoteLease = leases[i];
				m_CurrentRemoteLease.endDate = 0;
			m_CurrentRemoteLease.endDate = 0;

	StreamingDestination::StreamingDestination (boost::asio::io_service& service): 
		m_Service (service), m_LeaseSet (nullptr), m_IsPublic (false)
		m_Keys = i2p::data::PrivateKeys::CreateRandomKeys (/*i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA256_P256*/); // uncomment for ECDSA
		CryptoPP::DH dh (i2p::crypto::elgp, i2p::crypto::elgg);
		dh.GenerateKeyPair(i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator (), m_EncryptionPrivateKey, m_EncryptionPublicKey);
		m_Pool = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CreateTunnelPool (*this, 3); // 3-hops tunnel

	StreamingDestination::StreamingDestination (boost::asio::io_service& service, const std::string& fullPath):
		m_Service (service), m_LeaseSet (nullptr), m_IsPublic (true) 
		std::ifstream s(fullPath.c_str (), std::ifstream::binary);
		if (s.is_open ())	
			s.seekg (0, std::ios::end);
			size_t len = s.tellg();
			s.seekg (0, std::ios::beg);
			uint8_t * buf = new uint8_t[len];
			s.read ((char *)buf, len);
			m_Keys.FromBuffer (buf, len);
			delete[] buf;
			LogPrint ("Local address ", m_Keys.GetPublic ().GetIdentHash ().ToBase32 (), ".b32.i2p loaded");
			LogPrint ("Can't open file ", fullPath, " Creating new one");
			// new eepsites use ECDSA
			m_Keys = i2p::data::PrivateKeys::CreateRandomKeys (i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA256_P256); 
			std::ofstream f (fullPath, std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::out);
			size_t len = m_Keys.GetFullLen ();
			uint8_t * buf = new uint8_t[len];
			len = m_Keys.ToBuffer (buf, len);
			f.write ((char *)buf, len);
			delete[] buf;
			LogPrint ("New private keys file ", fullPath, " for ", m_Keys.GetPublic ().GetIdentHash ().ToBase32 (), ".b32.i2p created");

		CryptoPP::DH dh (i2p::crypto::elgp, i2p::crypto::elgg);
		dh.GenerateKeyPair(i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator (), m_EncryptionPrivateKey, m_EncryptionPublicKey);
		m_Pool = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CreateTunnelPool (*this, 3); // 3-hops tunnel 

	StreamingDestination::StreamingDestination (boost::asio::io_service& service, const i2p::data::PrivateKeys& keys):
		m_Service (service), m_Keys (keys), m_LeaseSet (nullptr), m_IsPublic (false)
		CryptoPP::DH dh (i2p::crypto::elgp, i2p::crypto::elgg);
		dh.GenerateKeyPair(i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator (), m_EncryptionPrivateKey, m_EncryptionPublicKey);
		m_Pool = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CreateTunnelPool (*this, 3); // 3-hops tunnel 

	StreamingDestination::~StreamingDestination ()
		for (auto it: m_Streams)
			delete it.second;
		if (m_Pool)
			i2p::tunnel::tunnels.DeleteTunnelPool (m_Pool);		
		delete m_LeaseSet;
	void StreamingDestination::HandleNextPacket (Packet * packet)
		uint32_t sendStreamID = packet->GetSendStreamID ();
		if (sendStreamID)
			auto it = m_Streams.find (sendStreamID);
			if (it != m_Streams.end ())
				it->second->HandleNextPacket (packet);
				LogPrint ("Unknown stream ", sendStreamID);
				delete packet;
		else // new incoming stream
			auto incomingStream = CreateNewIncomingStream ();
			incomingStream->HandleNextPacket (packet);
			if (m_Acceptor != nullptr)
				m_Acceptor (incomingStream);

	Stream * StreamingDestination::CreateNewOutgoingStream (const i2p::data::LeaseSet& remote)
		Stream * s = new Stream (m_Service, this, remote);
		m_Streams[s->GetRecvStreamID ()] = s;
		return s;

	Stream * StreamingDestination::CreateNewIncomingStream ()
		Stream * s = new Stream (m_Service, this);
		m_Streams[s->GetRecvStreamID ()] = s;
		return s;

	void StreamingDestination::DeleteStream (Stream * stream)
		if (stream)
			m_Streams.erase (stream->GetRecvStreamID ());
			delete stream;

	const i2p::data::LeaseSet * StreamingDestination::GetLeaseSet ()
		if (!m_Pool) return nullptr;
		if (!m_LeaseSet)
			UpdateLeaseSet ();
		return m_LeaseSet;

	void StreamingDestination::UpdateLeaseSet ()
		auto newLeaseSet = new i2p::data::LeaseSet (*m_Pool);
		if (!m_LeaseSet)
			m_LeaseSet = newLeaseSet;
			// TODO: implement it better
			*m_LeaseSet = *newLeaseSet;
			delete newLeaseSet;
	void StreamingDestination::SetLeaseSetUpdated ()
		UpdateLeaseSet ();
		for (auto it: m_Streams)
			it.second->SetLeaseSetUpdated ();
		if (m_IsPublic)
			i2p::data::netdb.PublishLeaseSet (m_LeaseSet, m_Pool);

	StreamingDestinations destinations;	
	void StreamingDestinations::Start ()
		if (!m_SharedLocalDestination)
			m_SharedLocalDestination = new StreamingDestination (m_Service);
			m_Destinations[m_SharedLocalDestination->GetIdentity ().GetIdentHash ()] = m_SharedLocalDestination;
		// LoadLocalDestinations ();	
		m_IsRunning = true;
		m_Thread = new std::thread (std::bind (&StreamingDestinations::Run, this));
	void StreamingDestinations::Stop ()
		for (auto it: m_Destinations)
			delete it.second;	
		m_Destinations.clear ();
		m_SharedLocalDestination = 0; // deleted through m_Destination
		m_IsRunning = false;
		m_Service.stop ();
		if (m_Thread)
			m_Thread->join (); 
			delete m_Thread;
			m_Thread = 0;
	void StreamingDestinations::Run ()
		m_Service.run ();

	void StreamingDestinations::LoadLocalDestinations ()
		int numDestinations = 0;
		boost::filesystem::path p (i2p::util::filesystem::GetDataDir());
		boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end;
		for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it (p); it != end; ++it)
			if (boost::filesystem::is_regular_file (*it) && it->path ().extension () == ".dat")
				auto fullPath =
#if BOOST_VERSION > 10500
				auto localDestination = new StreamingDestination (m_Service, fullPath);
				m_Destinations[localDestination->GetIdentHash ()] = localDestination;
		if (numDestinations > 0)
			LogPrint (numDestinations, " local destinations loaded");
	StreamingDestination * StreamingDestinations::LoadLocalDestination (const std::string& filename)
		auto localDestination = new StreamingDestination (m_Service, i2p::util::filesystem::GetFullPath (filename));
		m_Destinations[localDestination->GetIdentHash ()] = localDestination;
		return localDestination;

	StreamingDestination * StreamingDestinations::CreateNewLocalDestination ()
		auto localDestination = new StreamingDestination (m_Service);
		m_Destinations[localDestination->GetIdentHash ()] = localDestination;
		return localDestination;

	void StreamingDestinations::DeleteLocalDestination (StreamingDestination * destination)
		if (!destination) return;
		auto it = m_Destinations.find (destination->GetIdentHash ());
		if (it != m_Destinations.end ())
			delete it->second;
			m_Destinations.erase (it);

	StreamingDestination * StreamingDestinations::GetLocalDestination (const i2p::data::PrivateKeys& keys)
		auto it = m_Destinations.find (keys.GetPublic ().GetIdentHash ());
		if (it != m_Destinations.end ())
			return it->second;
		auto localDestination = new StreamingDestination (m_Service, keys);
		m_Destinations[keys.GetPublic ().GetIdentHash ()] = localDestination;
		return localDestination;

	Stream * StreamingDestinations::CreateClientStream (const i2p::data::LeaseSet& remote)
		if (!m_SharedLocalDestination) return nullptr;
		return m_SharedLocalDestination->CreateNewOutgoingStream (remote);

	void StreamingDestinations::DeleteStream (Stream * stream)
		if (stream)
			m_Service.post (
					stream->GetLocalDestination ()->DeleteStream (stream);
	void StreamingDestinations::HandleNextPacket (i2p::data::IdentHash destination, Packet * packet)
		m_Service.post (boost::bind (&StreamingDestinations::PostNextPacket, this, destination, packet)); 
	void StreamingDestinations::PostNextPacket (i2p::data::IdentHash destination, Packet * packet)
		auto it = m_Destinations.find (destination);
		if (it != m_Destinations.end ())
			it->second->HandleNextPacket (packet);
			LogPrint ("Local destination ", destination.ToBase64 (), " not found");
			delete packet;
	StreamingDestination * StreamingDestinations::FindLocalDestination (const i2p::data::IdentHash& destination) const
		auto it = m_Destinations.find (destination);
		if (it != m_Destinations.end ())
			return it->second;
		return nullptr;

	Stream * CreateStream (const i2p::data::LeaseSet& remote)
		return destinations.CreateClientStream (remote);
	void DeleteStream (Stream * stream)
		destinations.DeleteStream (stream);

	void StartStreaming ()
		destinations.Start ();
	void StopStreaming ()
		destinations.Stop ();

	StreamingDestination * GetSharedLocalDestination ()
		return destinations.GetSharedLocalDestination ();
	StreamingDestination * CreateNewLocalDestination ()
		return destinations.CreateNewLocalDestination ();

	void DeleteLocalDestination (StreamingDestination * destination)
		destinations.DeleteLocalDestination (destination);

	StreamingDestination * GetLocalDestination (const i2p::data::PrivateKeys& keys)
		return destinations.GetLocalDestination (keys);

	StreamingDestination * FindLocalDestination (const i2p::data::IdentHash& destination)
		return destinations.FindLocalDestination (destination);

	StreamingDestination * LoadLocalDestination (const std::string& filename)
		return destinations.LoadLocalDestination (filename);

	void HandleDataMessage (i2p::data::IdentHash destination, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
		uint32_t length = be32toh (*(uint32_t *)buf);
		buf += 4;
		// we assume I2CP payload
		if (buf[9] == 6) // streaming protocol
			// unzip it
			CryptoPP::Gunzip decompressor;
			decompressor.Put (buf, length);
			Packet * uncompressed = new Packet;
			uncompressed->offset = 0;
			uncompressed->len = decompressor.MaxRetrievable ();
			if (uncompressed->len > MAX_PACKET_SIZE)
				LogPrint ("Received packet size ", uncompressed->len,  " exceeds max packet size");
				uncompressed->len = MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
			decompressor.Get (uncompressed->buf, uncompressed->len);
			// then forward to streaming engine thread
			destinations.HandleNextPacket (destination, uncompressed);
			LogPrint ("Data: protocol ", buf[9], " is not supported");

	I2NPMessage * CreateDataMessage (Stream * s, const uint8_t * payload, size_t len)
		I2NPMessage * msg = NewI2NPShortMessage ();
		CryptoPP::Gzip compressor; // DEFAULT_DEFLATE_LEVEL
			compressor.SetDeflateLevel (CryptoPP::Gzip::MIN_DEFLATE_LEVEL);
		compressor.Put (payload, len);
		int size = compressor.MaxRetrievable ();
		uint8_t * buf = msg->GetPayload ();
		*(uint32_t *)buf = htobe32 (size); // length
		buf += 4;
		compressor.Get (buf, size);
		memset (buf + 4, 0, 4); // source and destination ports. TODO: fill with proper values later
		buf[9] = 6; // streaming protocol
		msg->len += size + 4; 
		FillI2NPMessageHeader (msg, eI2NPData);
		return msg;