#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "I2PService.h" #include "Destination.h" #include "HTTPProxy.h" #include "util.h" #include "Identity.h" #include "Streaming.h" #include "Destination.h" #include "ClientContext.h" #include "I2PEndian.h" #include "I2PTunnel.h" #include "Config.h" #include "HTTP.h" namespace i2p { namespace proxy { bool str_rmatch(std::string & str, const char *suffix) { auto pos = str.rfind (suffix); if (pos == std::string::npos) return false; /* not found */ if (str.length() == (pos + std::strlen(suffix))) return true; /* match */ return false; } class HTTPReqHandler: public i2p::client::I2PServiceHandler, public std::enable_shared_from_this { private: bool HandleRequest(std::size_t len); void HandleSockRecv(const boost::system::error_code & ecode, std::size_t bytes_transfered); void Terminate(); void AsyncSockRead(); void HTTPRequestFailed(const char *message); void RedirectToJumpService(std::string & host); bool ExtractAddressHelper(i2p::http::URL & url, std::string & b64); void SanitizeHTTPRequest(i2p::http::HTTPReq & req); void SentHTTPFailed(const boost::system::error_code & ecode); void HandleStreamRequestComplete (std::shared_ptr stream); std::shared_ptr m_sock; std::vector m_recv_buf; /* as "downstream recieve buffer", from client to me */ std::vector m_send_buf; /* as "upstream send buffer", from me to remote host */ public: HTTPReqHandler(HTTPProxy * parent, std::shared_ptr sock) : I2PServiceHandler(parent), m_sock(sock), m_recv_buf(8192), m_send_buf(0) {}; ~HTTPReqHandler() { Terminate(); } void Handle () { AsyncSockRead(); } }; void HTTPReqHandler::AsyncSockRead() { LogPrint(eLogDebug, "HTTPProxy: async sock read"); if (!m_sock) { LogPrint(eLogError, "HTTPProxy: no socket for read"); return; } m_sock->async_receive(boost::asio::buffer(m_recv_buf), std::bind(&HTTPReqHandler::HandleSockRecv, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); } void HTTPReqHandler::Terminate() { if (Kill()) return; if (m_sock) { LogPrint(eLogDebug, "HTTPProxy: close sock"); m_sock->close(); m_sock = nullptr; } Done(shared_from_this()); } void HTTPReqHandler::HTTPRequestFailed(const char *message) { i2p::http::HTTPRes res; res.code = 500; res.add_header("Content-Type", "text/plain"); res.add_header("Connection", "close"); res.body = message; res.body += "\r\n"; std::string response = res.to_string(); boost::asio::async_write(*m_sock, boost::asio::buffer(response, response.size()), std::bind(&HTTPReqHandler::SentHTTPFailed, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1)); } void HTTPReqHandler::RedirectToJumpService(std::string & host) { i2p::http::HTTPRes res; i2p::http::URL url; i2p::config::GetOption("http.address", url.host); i2p::config::GetOption("http.port", url.port); url.schema = "http"; url.path = "/"; url.query = "page=jumpservices&address="; url.query += host; res.code = 302; /* redirect */ res.add_header("Location", url.to_string().c_str()); res.add_header("Connection", "close"); std::string response = res.to_string(); boost::asio::async_write(*m_sock, boost::asio::buffer(response, response.length()), std::bind(&HTTPReqHandler::SentHTTPFailed, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1)); } bool HTTPReqHandler::ExtractAddressHelper(i2p::http::URL & url, std::string & b64) { const char *param = "i2paddresshelper="; std::size_t pos = url.query.find(param); std::size_t len = std::strlen(param); std::map params; if (pos == std::string::npos) return false; /* not found */ if (!url.parse_query(params)) return false; std::string value = params["i2paddresshelper"]; len += value.length(); b64 = i2p::http::UrlDecode(value); url.query.replace(pos, len, ""); return true; } void HTTPReqHandler::SanitizeHTTPRequest(i2p::http::HTTPReq & req) { req.del_header("Referer"); req.del_header("Via"); req.del_header("Forwarded"); std::vector toErase; for (auto it : req.headers) { if (it.first.compare(0, 12, "X-Forwarded-")) { toErase.push_back(it.first); } else if (it.first.compare(0, 6, "Proxy-")) { toErase.push_back(it.first); } else { /* allow this header */ } } for (auto header : toErase) { req.headers.erase(header); } /* replace headers */ req.add_header("Connection", "close", true); /* keep-alive conns not supported yet */ req.add_header("User-Agent", "MYOB/6.66 (AN/ON)", true); /* privacy */ } /** * @param len length of data in m_recv_buf * @return true on processed request or false if more data needed */ bool HTTPReqHandler::HandleRequest(std::size_t len) { i2p::http::HTTPReq req; i2p::http::URL url; std::string b64; int req_len = 0; req_len = req.parse((const char *) m_recv_buf.data(), len); if (req_len == 0) return false; /* need more data */ if (req_len < 0) { LogPrint(eLogError, "HTTPProxy: unable to parse request"); HTTPRequestFailed("invalid request"); return true; /* parse error */ } /* parsing success, now let's look inside request */ LogPrint(eLogDebug, "HTTPProxy: requested: ", req.uri); url.parse(req.uri); if (ExtractAddressHelper(url, b64)) { i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().InsertAddress (url.host, b64); std::string message = "added b64 from addresshelper for " + url.host + " to address book"; LogPrint (eLogInfo, "HTTPProxy: ", message); message += ", please reload page"; HTTPRequestFailed(message.c_str()); return true; /* request processed */ } i2p::data::IdentHash identHash; if (str_rmatch(url.host, ".i2p")) { if (!i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().GetIdentHash (url.host, identHash)) { RedirectToJumpService(url.host); return true; /* request processed */ } /* TODO: outproxy handler here */ } else { std::string message = "Host " + url.host + " not inside i2p network, but outproxy support still missing"; HTTPRequestFailed(message.c_str()); LogPrint (eLogWarning, "HTTPProxy: ", message); return true; } SanitizeHTTPRequest(req); std::string dest_host = url.host; uint16_t dest_port = url.port; /* set proper 'Host' header in upstream request */ auto h = req.headers.find("Host"); if (dest_host != "") { /* absolute url, replace 'Host' header */ std::string h = dest_host; if (dest_port != 0 && dest_port != 80) h += ":" + std::to_string(dest_port); req.add_header("Host", h, true); } else if (h != req.headers.end()) { /* relative url and 'Host' header provided. transparent proxy mode? */ i2p::http::URL u; std::string t = "http://" + h->second; u.parse(t); dest_host = u.host; dest_port = u.port; } else { /* relative url and missing 'Host' header */ std::string message = "Can't detect destination host from request"; HTTPRequestFailed(message.c_str()); return true; } if (!dest_port) dest_port = 80; /* always set port for CreateStream() */ //TODO: 443 for https /* make relative url */ url.schema = ""; url.host = ""; req.uri = url.to_string(); /* drop original request from input buffer */ m_recv_buf.erase(m_recv_buf.begin(), m_recv_buf.begin() + req_len); /* build new buffer from modified request and data from original request */ std::string request = req.to_string(); m_send_buf.assign(request.begin(), request.end()); m_send_buf.insert(m_send_buf.end(), m_recv_buf.begin(), m_recv_buf.end()); /* connect to destination */ GetOwner()->CreateStream (std::bind (&HTTPReqHandler::HandleStreamRequestComplete, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1), dest_host, dest_port); return true; } void HTTPReqHandler::HandleSockRecv(const boost::system::error_code & ecode, std::size_t len) { LogPrint(eLogDebug, "HTTPProxy: sock recv: ", len, " bytes"); if(ecode) { LogPrint(eLogWarning, "HTTPProxy: sock recv got error: ", ecode); Terminate(); return; } if (HandleRequest(len)) { m_recv_buf.clear(); return; /* request processed */ } AsyncSockRead(); } void HTTPReqHandler::SentHTTPFailed(const boost::system::error_code & ecode) { if (ecode) LogPrint (eLogError, "HTTPProxy: Closing socket after sending failure because: ", ecode.message ()); Terminate(); } void HTTPReqHandler::HandleStreamRequestComplete (std::shared_ptr stream) { if (!stream) { LogPrint (eLogError, "HTTPProxy: error when creating the stream, check the previous warnings for more info"); HTTPRequestFailed("error when creating the stream, check logs"); return; } if (Kill()) return; LogPrint (eLogDebug, "HTTPProxy: New I2PTunnel connection"); auto connection = std::make_shared(GetOwner(), m_sock, stream); GetOwner()->AddHandler (connection); connection->I2PConnect (m_send_buf.data(), m_send_buf.size()); Done (shared_from_this()); } HTTPProxy::HTTPProxy(const std::string& address, int port, std::shared_ptr localDestination): TCPIPAcceptor(address, port, localDestination ? localDestination : i2p::client::context.GetSharedLocalDestination ()) { } std::shared_ptr HTTPProxy::CreateHandler(std::shared_ptr socket) { return std::make_shared (this, socket); } } // http } // i2p