#include "I2PEndian.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <cryptopp/gzip.h>
#include "base64.h"
#include "Log.h"
#include "Timestamp.h"
#include "I2NPProtocol.h"
#include "Tunnel.h"
#include "Transports.h"
#include "RouterContext.h"
#include "Garlic.h"
#include "NetDb.h"
#include "Reseed.h"
#include "util.h"

namespace i2p
namespace data
	I2NPMessage * RequestedDestination::CreateRequestMessage (const RouterInfo * router,
		const i2p::tunnel::InboundTunnel * replyTunnel)
		I2NPMessage * msg = i2p::CreateDatabaseLookupMsg (m_Destination, 
			replyTunnel->GetNextIdentHash (), replyTunnel->GetNextTunnelID (), m_IsExploratory, &m_ExcludedPeers);
		if (m_IsLeaseSet) // wrap lookup message into garlic
			msg = i2p::garlic::routing.WrapSingleMessage (*router, msg);
		m_ExcludedPeers.insert (router->GetIdentHash ());
		m_LastRouter = router;
		m_LastReplyTunnel = replyTunnel;
		return msg;

	I2NPMessage * RequestedDestination::CreateRequestMessage (const IdentHash& floodfill)
		I2NPMessage * msg = i2p::CreateDatabaseLookupMsg (m_Destination, 
			i2p::context.GetRouterInfo ().GetIdentHash () , 0, false, &m_ExcludedPeers);
		m_ExcludedPeers.insert (floodfill);
		m_LastRouter = nullptr;
		m_LastReplyTunnel = nullptr;
		return msg;

	void RequestedDestination::ClearExcludedPeers ()
		m_ExcludedPeers.clear ();
#ifndef _WIN32		
	const char NetDb::m_NetDbPath[] = "/netDb";
	const char NetDb::m_NetDbPath[] = "\\netDb";
	NetDb netdb;

	NetDb::NetDb (): m_IsRunning (false), m_ReseedRetries (0), m_Thread (0)
	NetDb::~NetDb ()
		Stop ();	
		for (auto l:m_LeaseSets)
			delete l.second;
		for (auto r:m_RouterInfos)
			delete r.second;
		for (auto r:m_RequestedDestinations)
			delete r.second;

	void NetDb::Start ()
		Load (m_NetDbPath);
		while (m_RouterInfos.size () < 100 && m_ReseedRetries < 10)
			Reseeder reseeder;
			Load (m_NetDbPath);
		m_Thread = new std::thread (std::bind (&NetDb::Run, this));
	void NetDb::Stop ()
		if (m_Thread)
			m_IsRunning = false;
			m_Thread->join (); 
			delete m_Thread;
			m_Thread = 0;
	void NetDb::Run ()
		uint32_t lastSave = 0, lastPublish = 0;
		m_IsRunning = true;
		while (m_IsRunning)
				I2NPMessage * msg = m_Queue.GetNextWithTimeout (10000); // 10 sec
				if (msg)
					while (msg)
						if (msg->GetHeader ()->typeID == eI2NPDatabaseStore)
							HandleDatabaseStoreMsg (msg->GetPayload (), msg->GetLength ()); // TODO
							i2p::DeleteI2NPMessage (msg);
						else if (msg->GetHeader ()->typeID == eI2NPDatabaseSearchReply)
							HandleDatabaseSearchReplyMsg (msg);
						else // WTF?
							LogPrint ("NetDb: unexpected message type ", msg->GetHeader ()->typeID);
							i2p::HandleI2NPMessage (msg);
						msg = m_Queue.Get ();
				else // if no new DatabaseStore coming, explore it
					Explore ();

				uint64_t ts = i2p::util::GetSecondsSinceEpoch ();
				if (ts - lastSave >= 60) // save routers and validate subscriptions every minute
					if (lastSave)
						SaveUpdated (m_NetDbPath);
						ValidateSubscriptions ();
					lastSave = ts;
				if (ts - lastPublish >= 600) // publish every 10 minutes
					Publish ();
					lastPublish = ts;
			catch (std::exception& ex)
				LogPrint ("NetDb: ", ex.what ());
	void NetDb::AddRouterInfo (uint8_t * buf, int len)
		RouterInfo * r = new RouterInfo (buf, len);
		DeleteRequestedDestination (r->GetIdentHash ());
		auto it = m_RouterInfos.find(r->GetIdentHash ());
		if (it != m_RouterInfos.end ())
			if (r->GetTimestamp () > it->second->GetTimestamp ())
				LogPrint ("RouterInfo updated");
				*(it->second) = *r; // we can't replace pointer because it's used by tunnels
			delete r;
			LogPrint ("New RouterInfo added");
			m_RouterInfos[r->GetIdentHash ()] = r;
			if (r->IsFloodfill ())
				m_Floodfills.push_back (r);

	void NetDb::AddLeaseSet (uint8_t * buf, int len)
		LeaseSet * l = new LeaseSet (buf, len);
		DeleteRequestedDestination (l->GetIdentHash ());
		auto it = m_LeaseSets.find(l->GetIdentHash ());
		if (it != m_LeaseSets.end ())
			LogPrint ("LeaseSet updated");
			*(it->second) = *l; // we can't replace pointer because it's used by streams
			delete l;
			LogPrint ("New LeaseSet added");
			m_LeaseSets[l->GetIdentHash ()] = l;

	RouterInfo * NetDb::FindRouter (const IdentHash& ident) const
		auto it = m_RouterInfos.find (ident);
		if (it != m_RouterInfos.end ())
			return it->second;
			return nullptr;

	LeaseSet * NetDb::FindLeaseSet (const IdentHash& destination) const
		auto it = m_LeaseSets.find (destination);
		if (it != m_LeaseSets.end ())
			return it->second;
			return nullptr;

	// TODO: Move to reseed and/or scheduled tasks. (In java version, scheduler fix this as well as sort RIs.)
	bool NetDb::CreateNetDb(boost::filesystem::path directory)
		LogPrint (directory.string(), " doesn't exist, trying to create it.");
		if (!boost::filesystem::create_directory (directory))
			LogPrint("Failed to create directory ", directory.string());
			return false;

		// list of chars might appear in base64 string
		const char * chars = GetBase64SubstitutionTable (); // 64 bytes
		boost::filesystem::path suffix;
		for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
#ifndef _WIN32
			suffix = std::string ("/r") + chars[i];
			suffix = std::string ("\\r") + chars[i];
			if (!boost::filesystem::create_directory( boost::filesystem::path (directory / suffix) )) return false;
		return true;

	void NetDb::Load (const char * directory)
		boost::filesystem::path p (i2p::util::filesystem::GetDataDir());
		p /= (directory);
		if (!boost::filesystem::exists (p))
			// seems netDb doesn't exist yet
			if (!CreateNetDb(p)) return;
		// make sure we cleanup netDb from previous attempts
		for (auto r: m_RouterInfos)
			delete r.second;
		m_RouterInfos.clear ();	
		m_Floodfills.clear ();	

		// load routers now
		int numRouters = 0;
		boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end;
		for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it (p); it != end; ++it)
			if (boost::filesystem::is_directory (it->status()))
				for (boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it1 (it->path ()); it1 != end; ++it1)
#if BOOST_VERSION > 10500
					RouterInfo * r = new RouterInfo (it1->path().string().c_str ());
					RouterInfo * r = new RouterInfo(it1->path().c_str());
					m_RouterInfos[r->GetIdentHash ()] = r;
					if (r->IsFloodfill ())
						m_Floodfills.push_back (r);
		LogPrint (numRouters, " routers loaded");
		LogPrint (m_Floodfills.size (), " floodfills loaded");	

	void NetDb::SaveUpdated (const char * directory)
		auto GetFilePath = [](const char * directory, const RouterInfo * routerInfo)
#ifndef _WIN32
			return std::string (directory) + "/r" +
				routerInfo->GetIdentHashBase64 ()[0] + "/routerInfo-" +
			return std::string (directory) + "\\r" +
				routerInfo->GetIdentHashBase64 ()[0] + "\\routerInfo-" +
				routerInfo->GetIdentHashBase64 () + ".dat";

		boost::filesystem::path p (i2p::util::filesystem::GetDataDir());
		p /= (directory);
#if BOOST_VERSION > 10500		
		const char * fullDirectory = p.string().c_str ();
		const char * fullDirectory = p.c_str ();
		int count = 0, deletedCount = 0;
		auto total = m_RouterInfos.size ();
		uint64_t ts = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch ();
		for (auto it: m_RouterInfos)
			if (it.second->IsUpdated ())
				std::ofstream r (GetFilePath(fullDirectory, it.second), std::ofstream::binary);
				r.write ((char *)it.second->GetBuffer (), it.second->GetBufferLen ());
				it.second->SetUpdated (false);
				// RouterInfo expires in 72 hours if more than 300
				if (total > 300 && ts > it.second->GetTimestamp () + 3*24*3600*1000LL) // 3 days
					it.second->SetUnreachable (true);
				if (it.second->IsUnreachable ())
					if (boost::filesystem::exists (GetFilePath (fullDirectory, it.second)))
						boost::filesystem::remove (GetFilePath (fullDirectory, it.second));
		if (count > 0)
			LogPrint (count," new/updated routers saved");
		if (deletedCount > 0)
			LogPrint (deletedCount," routers deleted");

	void NetDb::RequestDestination (const IdentHash& destination, bool isLeaseSet)
		if (isLeaseSet) // we request LeaseSet through tunnels
			i2p::tunnel::OutboundTunnel * outbound = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetNextOutboundTunnel ();
			if (outbound)
				i2p::tunnel::InboundTunnel * inbound = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetNextInboundTunnel ();
				if (inbound)
					RequestedDestination * dest = CreateRequestedDestination (destination, isLeaseSet);
					std::vector<i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock> msgs;
					// request 3 closests floodfills
					for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
						auto floodfill = GetClosestFloodfill (destination, dest->GetExcludedPeers ());
						if (floodfill)
							// DatabaseLookup message
							msgs.push_back (i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock 
									floodfill->GetIdentHash (), 0,
									dest->CreateRequestMessage (floodfill, inbound)
					if (msgs.size () > 0)
						dest->ClearExcludedPeers (); 
						dest->SetLastOutboundTunnel (outbound);
						outbound->SendTunnelDataMsg (msgs);	
						LogPrint ("No more floodfills found");
					LogPrint ("No inbound tunnels found");	
				LogPrint ("No outbound tunnels found");
		else // RouterInfo is requested directly
			RequestedDestination * dest = CreateRequestedDestination (destination, false);
			auto floodfill = GetClosestFloodfill (destination, dest->GetExcludedPeers ());
			if (floodfill)
				dest->SetLastOutboundTunnel (nullptr);
				i2p::transports.SendMessage (floodfill->GetIdentHash (), dest->CreateRequestMessage (floodfill->GetIdentHash ()));
	void NetDb::HandleDatabaseStoreMsg (uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
		I2NPDatabaseStoreMsg * msg = (I2NPDatabaseStoreMsg *)buf;
		size_t offset = sizeof (I2NPDatabaseStoreMsg);
		if (msg->replyToken)
			offset += 36;
		if (msg->type)
			LogPrint ("LeaseSet");
			AddLeaseSet (buf + offset, len - offset);
			LogPrint ("RouterInfo");
			size_t size = be16toh (*(uint16_t *)(buf + offset));
			if (size > 2048)
				LogPrint ("Invalid RouterInfo length ", (int)size);
			offset += 2;
			CryptoPP::Gunzip decompressor;
			decompressor.Put (buf + offset, size);
			uint8_t uncompressed[2048];
			size_t uncomressedSize = decompressor.MaxRetrievable ();
			decompressor.Get (uncompressed, uncomressedSize);
			AddRouterInfo (uncompressed, uncomressedSize);

	void NetDb::HandleDatabaseSearchReplyMsg (I2NPMessage * msg)
		uint8_t * buf = msg->GetPayload ();
		char key[48];
		int l = i2p::data::ByteStreamToBase64 (buf, 32, key, 48);
		key[l] = 0;
		int num = buf[32]; // num
		LogPrint ("DatabaseSearchReply for ", key, " num=", num);
		auto it = m_RequestedDestinations.find (IdentHash (buf));
		if (it != m_RequestedDestinations.end ())
			RequestedDestination * dest = it->second;
			if (num > 0)
				i2p::tunnel::OutboundTunnel * outbound = dest->GetLastOutboundTunnel ();
				const i2p::tunnel::InboundTunnel * inbound = dest->GetLastReplyTunnel ();
				std::vector<i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock> msgs;
				for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
					uint8_t * router = buf + 33 + i*32;
					char peerHash[48];
					int l1 = i2p::data::ByteStreamToBase64 (router, 32, peerHash, 48);
					peerHash[l1] = 0;
					LogPrint (i,": ", peerHash);

					if (dest->IsExploratory ())
						if (!FindRouter (router)) // router with ident not found
							LogPrint ("Found new router. Requesting RouterInfo ...");
							if (outbound && inbound)
								RequestedDestination * d1 = CreateRequestedDestination (router, false, false);
								d1->SetLastOutboundTunnel (outbound);
								auto msg = d1->CreateRequestMessage (dest->GetLastRouter (), dest->GetLastReplyTunnel ());
								msgs.push_back (i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock 
										dest->GetLastRouter ()->GetIdentHash (), 0, msg
							LogPrint ("Bayan");
						// reply to our destination. Try other floodfills
						if (outbound && inbound)
							auto r = FindRouter (router); 
							// do we have that floodfill router in our database?
							if (r) 
								// we do
								if (!dest->IsExcluded (r->GetIdentHash ()) && dest->GetNumExcludedPeers () < 30) // TODO: fix TunnelGateway first
									// tell floodfill about us 
									msgs.push_back (i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock 
											r->GetIdentHash (), 0,
											CreateDatabaseStoreMsg () 
									// request destination
									auto msg = dest->CreateRequestMessage (r, dest->GetLastReplyTunnel ());
									msgs.push_back (i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock 
											r->GetIdentHash (), 0, msg
								// request router
								LogPrint ("Found new floodfill. Request it");
								RequestedDestination * d2 = CreateRequestedDestination (router, false, false);
								d2->SetLastOutboundTunnel (outbound);
								I2NPMessage * msg = d2->CreateRequestMessage (dest->GetLastRouter (), inbound);
								msgs.push_back (i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock 
										dest->GetLastRouter ()->GetIdentHash (), 0, msg
						else // we should send directly
							if (!dest->IsLeaseSet ()) // if not LeaseSet
								if (!dest->IsExcluded (router) && dest->GetNumExcludedPeers () < 30) 
									i2p::transports.SendMessage (router, dest->CreateRequestMessage (router));
								LogPrint ("Can't request LeaseSet");
				if (outbound && msgs.size () > 0)
					outbound->SendTunnelDataMsg (msgs);	
				// no more requests for detination possible. delete it
				delete it->second;
				m_RequestedDestinations.erase (it);
			LogPrint ("Requested destination for ", key, " not found");
		i2p::DeleteI2NPMessage (msg);
	void NetDb::Explore ()
		auto outbound = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetNextOutboundTunnel ();
		auto inbound = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetNextInboundTunnel ();
		if (outbound && inbound)
			CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator& rnd = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator ();
			uint8_t randomHash[32];
			rnd.GenerateBlock (randomHash, 32);
			RequestedDestination * dest = CreateRequestedDestination (IdentHash (randomHash), false, true);
			dest->SetLastOutboundTunnel (outbound);
			auto floodfill = GetClosestFloodfill (randomHash, dest->GetExcludedPeers ());
			if (floodfill)
				LogPrint ("Exploring new routers ...");
				std::vector<i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock> msgs;
				msgs.push_back (i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock 
						floodfill->GetIdentHash (), 0,
						CreateDatabaseStoreMsg () // tell floodfill about us 
				msgs.push_back (i2p::tunnel::TunnelMessageBlock 
						floodfill->GetIdentHash (), 0, 
						dest->CreateRequestMessage (floodfill, inbound) // explore
				outbound->SendTunnelDataMsg (msgs);		
				DeleteRequestedDestination (dest);

	void NetDb::Publish ()
		std::set<IdentHash> excluded; // TODO: fill up later
		for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			auto floodfill = GetClosestFloodfill (i2p::context.GetRouterInfo ().GetIdentHash (), excluded);
			if (floodfill)
				LogPrint ("Publishing our RouterInfo to ", floodfill->GetIdentHashAbbreviation ());
				transports.SendMessage (floodfill->GetIdentHash (), CreateDatabaseStoreMsg ());	
				excluded.insert (floodfill->GetIdentHash ());
	RequestedDestination * NetDb::CreateRequestedDestination (const IdentHash& dest,
		bool isLeaseSet, bool isExploratory)
		auto it = m_RequestedDestinations.find (dest);
		if (it == m_RequestedDestinations.end ()) // not exist yet
			RequestedDestination * d = new RequestedDestination (dest, isLeaseSet, isExploratory);
			m_RequestedDestinations[dest] = d;
			return d;
			return it->second;
	void NetDb::DeleteRequestedDestination (const IdentHash& dest)
		auto it = m_RequestedDestinations.find (dest);
		if (it != m_RequestedDestinations.end ())
			delete it->second;
			m_RequestedDestinations.erase (it);

	void NetDb::DeleteRequestedDestination (RequestedDestination * dest)
		if (dest)
			m_RequestedDestinations.erase (dest->GetDestination ());
			delete dest;

	const RouterInfo * NetDb::GetRandomRouter (const RouterInfo * compatibleWith, uint8_t caps) const
		CryptoPP::RandomNumberGenerator& rnd = i2p::context.GetRandomNumberGenerator ();
		uint32_t ind = rnd.GenerateWord32 (0, m_RouterInfos.size () - 1);	
		for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
			uint32_t i = 0;
			for (auto it: m_RouterInfos)
				if (i >= ind)
					if (!it.second->IsUnreachable () && 
					 (!compatibleWith || it.second->IsCompatible (*compatibleWith)) &&
					 (!caps || (it.second->GetCaps () & caps) == caps))
						return it.second;
			// we couldn't find anything, try second pass
			ind = 0;
		return nullptr; // seems we have too few routers

	void NetDb::PostI2NPMsg (I2NPMessage * msg)
		if (msg) m_Queue.Put (msg);	

	const RouterInfo * NetDb::GetClosestFloodfill (const IdentHash& destination, 
		const std::set<IdentHash>& excluded) const
		RouterInfo * r = nullptr;
		XORMetric minMetric;
		RoutingKey destKey = CreateRoutingKey (destination);
		minMetric.SetMax ();
		for (auto it: m_Floodfills)
			if (!it->IsUnreachable () && !excluded.count (it->GetIdentHash ()))
				XORMetric m = destKey ^ it->GetRoutingKey ();
				if (m < minMetric)
					minMetric = m;
					r = it;
		return r;

	void NetDb::Subscribe (const IdentHash& ident)
		LeaseSet * leaseSet = FindLeaseSet (ident);
		if (!leaseSet)
			LogPrint ("LeaseSet requested");	
			RequestDestination (ident, true);
		m_Subscriptions.insert (ident);
	void NetDb::Unsubscribe (const IdentHash& ident)
		m_Subscriptions.erase (ident);

	void NetDb::ValidateSubscriptions ()
		for (auto it : m_Subscriptions)
			LeaseSet * leaseSet = FindLeaseSet (it);
			if (!leaseSet || leaseSet->HasExpiredLeases ())
				LogPrint ("LeaseSet re-requested");	
				RequestDestination (it, true);