/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, The PurpleI2P Project * * This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3 * * See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree */ #ifndef PROFILING_H__ #define PROFILING_H__ #include #include "Identity.h" namespace i2p { namespace data { const char PEER_PROFILES_DB_FILENAME[] = "peerProfiles.dat"; /** example json peer profile (pretty-printed): { "peerid": "", "lasttime": { "update": 123456789, "decline": 123456789, "unreachable": 123456789 }, "tunnels": { "agreed": 17. "declined": 4, "noreply: 2 }, "usage": { "taken": 10, "rejected": 3 } } */ // params const char PEER_PROFILE_PEER_ID[] = "peerid"; const char PEER_PROFILE_LAST_UPDATE_TIME[] = "lasttime.update"; const char PEER_PROFILE_LAST_DECLINE_TIME[] = "lasttime.decline"; const char PEER_PROFILE_LAST_UNREACHABLE_TIME[] = "lasttime.unreachable"; const char PEER_PROFILE_PARTICIPATION_AGREED[] = "tunnels.agreed"; const char PEER_PROFILE_PARTICIPATION_DECLINED[] = "tunnels.declined"; const char PEER_PROFILE_PARTICIPATION_NON_REPLIED[] = "tunnels.noreply"; const char PEER_PROFILE_USAGE_TAKEN[] = "usage.taken"; const char PEER_PROFILE_USAGE_REJECTED[] = "usage.rejected"; const char PEER_PROFILE_USAGE_CONNECTED[] = "usage.connected"; const int PEER_PROFILE_EXPIRATION_TIMEOUT = 36; // in hours (1.5 days) const int PEER_PROFILE_AUTOCLEAN_TIMEOUT = 6 * 3600; // in seconds (6 hours) const int PEER_PROFILE_AUTOCLEAN_VARIANCE = 3600; // in seconds (1 hour) const int PEER_PROFILE_DECLINED_RECENTLY_INTERVAL = 150; // in seconds (2.5 minutes) const int PEER_PROFILE_PERSIST_INTERVAL = 3300; // in seconds (55 minutes) const int PEER_PROFILE_UNREACHABLE_INTERVAL = 2*3600; // on seconds (2 hours) const int PEER_PROFILE_USEFUL_THRESHOLD = 3; class RouterProfile { public: RouterProfile (); RouterProfile& operator= (const RouterProfile& ) = default; std::string Dump (const std::string& peerid); std::string Load (const std::string& jsondata); bool IsBad (); bool IsUnreachable (); bool IsUseful() const; bool IsReal () const { return m_HasConnected || m_NumTunnelsAgreed > 0 || m_NumTunnelsDeclined > 0; } void TunnelBuildResponse (uint8_t ret); void TunnelNonReplied (); void Unreachable (); void Connected (); uint64_t GetLastUpdateTime () const { return m_LastUpdateTime; }; private: bool IsAlwaysDeclining () const { return !m_NumTunnelsAgreed && m_NumTunnelsDeclined >= 5; }; bool IsLowPartcipationRate () const; bool IsLowReplyRate () const; bool IsDeclinedRecently (); private: // lasttime uint64_t m_LastUpdateTime; uint64_t m_LastDeclineTime; uint64_t m_LastUnreachableTime; // participation uint32_t m_NumTunnelsAgreed; uint32_t m_NumTunnelsDeclined; uint32_t m_NumTunnelsNonReplied; // usage uint32_t m_NumTimesTaken; uint32_t m_NumTimesRejected; bool m_HasConnected; // successful trusted(incoming or NTCP2) connection }; std::shared_ptr GetRouterProfile (const IdentHash& identHash); /** database file operations */ void LoadProfilesDB (); /*< read saved peer profiles from file to memory */ void SaveProfilesDB (); /*< serialize and write to file known peer profiles */ /** memory database operations */ void PruneExpiredProfiles (); /*< discard peer profiles inactive for long time */ void ClearProfilesDB (); /*< discard ALL known peer profiles */ } } #endif