Build notes

Available cmake options:

* CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE -- build profile (Debug/Release)
* WITH_AESNI -- AES-NI support (ON/OFF)
* WITH_HARDENING -- enable hardening features (ON/OFF) (gcc only)
* WITH_TESTS -- build tests (ON/OFF)
* WITH_BENCHMARK -- build bechmarking code (ON/OFF)
* WITH_OPTIMIZE -- enable optimization flags (ON/OFF) (not for MSVC)
* I2PD_DATA_DIR -- directory where i2pd will store data


Required "-dev" packages:
* cmake
* libboost-filesystem-dev
* libboost-program-options-dev
* libboost-regex-dev
* libboost-system-dev
* libboost-date-time-dev
* libcrypto++-dev

Optional packages:
* libboost-test-dev


Branch 9.X has gcc v4.2, that knows nothing about required c++11 standard.

Required ports:

* devel/cmake
* devel/boost-libs
* lang/gcc47 # or later version
* security/cryptopp

To use newer compiler you should set these variables:

  export CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc47
  export CXX=/usr/local/bin/g++47

Replace "47" with your actual gcc version