/* * Copyright (c) 2013-2022, The PurpleI2P Project * * This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3 * * See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree */ #include #include #include "Base.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Destination.h" #include "ClientContext.h" #include "I2PTunnel.h" #include "util.h" namespace i2p { namespace client { /** set standard socket options */ static void I2PTunnelSetSocketOptions(std::shared_ptr socket) { if (socket && socket->is_open()) { boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size option(I2P_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_BUFFER_SIZE); socket->set_option(option); } } I2PTunnelConnection::I2PTunnelConnection (I2PService * owner, std::shared_ptr socket, std::shared_ptr leaseSet, int port): I2PServiceHandler(owner), m_Socket (socket), m_RemoteEndpoint (socket->remote_endpoint ()), m_IsQuiet (true) { m_Stream = GetOwner()->GetLocalDestination ()->CreateStream (leaseSet, port); } I2PTunnelConnection::I2PTunnelConnection (I2PService * owner, std::shared_ptr socket, std::shared_ptr stream): I2PServiceHandler(owner), m_Socket (socket), m_Stream (stream), m_RemoteEndpoint (socket->remote_endpoint ()), m_IsQuiet (true) { } I2PTunnelConnection::I2PTunnelConnection (I2PService * owner, std::shared_ptr stream, std::shared_ptr socket, const boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint& target, bool quiet): I2PServiceHandler(owner), m_Socket (socket), m_Stream (stream), m_RemoteEndpoint (target), m_IsQuiet (quiet) { } I2PTunnelConnection::~I2PTunnelConnection () { } void I2PTunnelConnection::I2PConnect (const uint8_t * msg, size_t len) { if (m_Stream) { if (msg) m_Stream->Send (msg, len); // connect and send else m_Stream->Send (m_Buffer, 0); // connect } StreamReceive (); Receive (); } static boost::asio::ip::address GetLoopbackAddressFor(const i2p::data::IdentHash & addr) { boost::asio::ip::address_v4::bytes_type bytes; const uint8_t * ident = addr; bytes[0] = 127; memcpy (bytes.data ()+1, ident, 3); boost::asio::ip::address ourIP = boost::asio::ip::address_v4 (bytes); return ourIP; } #ifdef __linux__ static void MapToLoopback(const std::shared_ptr & sock, const i2p::data::IdentHash & addr) { // bind to 127.x.x.x address // where x.x.x are first three bytes from ident auto ourIP = GetLoopbackAddressFor(addr); boost::system::error_code ec; sock->bind (boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint (ourIP, 0), ec); if (ec) LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Can't bind ourIP to ", ourIP.to_string (), ": ", ec.message ()); } #endif void I2PTunnelConnection::Connect (bool isUniqueLocal) { I2PTunnelSetSocketOptions(m_Socket); if (m_Socket) { #ifdef __linux__ if (isUniqueLocal && m_RemoteEndpoint.address ().is_v4 () && m_RemoteEndpoint.address ().to_v4 ().to_bytes ()[0] == 127) { m_Socket->open (boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4 ()); auto ident = m_Stream->GetRemoteIdentity()->GetIdentHash(); MapToLoopback(m_Socket, ident); } #endif m_Socket->async_connect (m_RemoteEndpoint, std::bind (&I2PTunnelConnection::HandleConnect, shared_from_this (), std::placeholders::_1)); } } void I2PTunnelConnection::Connect (const boost::asio::ip::address& localAddress) { if (m_Socket) { if (m_RemoteEndpoint.address().is_v6 ()) m_Socket->open (boost::asio::ip::tcp::v6 ()); else m_Socket->open (boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4 ()); boost::system::error_code ec; m_Socket->bind (boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint (localAddress, 0), ec); if (ec) LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Can't bind to ", localAddress.to_string (), ": ", ec.message ()); } Connect (false); } void I2PTunnelConnection::Terminate () { if (Kill()) return; if (m_Stream) { m_Stream->Close (); m_Stream.reset (); } boost::system::error_code ec; m_Socket->shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_send, ec); // avoid RST m_Socket->close (); Done(shared_from_this ()); } void I2PTunnelConnection::Receive () { m_Socket->async_read_some (boost::asio::buffer(m_Buffer, I2P_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_BUFFER_SIZE), std::bind(&I2PTunnelConnection::HandleReceived, shared_from_this (), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); } void I2PTunnelConnection::HandleReceived (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { if (ecode) { if (ecode != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Read error: ", ecode.message ()); Terminate (); } } else WriteToStream (m_Buffer, bytes_transferred); } void I2PTunnelConnection::WriteToStream (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { if (m_Stream) { auto s = shared_from_this (); m_Stream->AsyncSend (buf, len, [s](const boost::system::error_code& ecode) { if (!ecode) s->Receive (); else s->Terminate (); }); } } void I2PTunnelConnection::HandleWrite (const boost::system::error_code& ecode) { if (ecode) { LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Write error: ", ecode.message ()); if (ecode != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) Terminate (); } else StreamReceive (); } void I2PTunnelConnection::StreamReceive () { if (m_Stream) { if (m_Stream->GetStatus () == i2p::stream::eStreamStatusNew || m_Stream->GetStatus () == i2p::stream::eStreamStatusOpen) // regular { m_Stream->AsyncReceive (boost::asio::buffer (m_StreamBuffer, I2P_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_BUFFER_SIZE), std::bind (&I2PTunnelConnection::HandleStreamReceive, shared_from_this (), std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), I2P_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_MAX_IDLE); } else // closed by peer { // get remaining data auto len = m_Stream->ReadSome (m_StreamBuffer, I2P_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_BUFFER_SIZE); if (len > 0) // still some data Write (m_StreamBuffer, len); else // no more data Terminate (); } } } void I2PTunnelConnection::HandleStreamReceive (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, std::size_t bytes_transferred) { if (ecode) { if (ecode != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Stream read error: ", ecode.message ()); if (bytes_transferred > 0) Write (m_StreamBuffer, bytes_transferred); // postpone termination else if (ecode == boost::asio::error::timed_out && m_Stream && m_Stream->IsOpen ()) StreamReceive (); else Terminate (); } else Terminate (); } else Write (m_StreamBuffer, bytes_transferred); } void I2PTunnelConnection::Write (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { boost::asio::async_write (*m_Socket, boost::asio::buffer (buf, len), boost::asio::transfer_all (), std::bind (&I2PTunnelConnection::HandleWrite, shared_from_this (), std::placeholders::_1)); } void I2PTunnelConnection::HandleConnect (const boost::system::error_code& ecode) { if (ecode) { LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Connect error: ", ecode.message ()); Terminate (); } else { LogPrint (eLogDebug, "I2PTunnel: Connected"); if (m_IsQuiet) StreamReceive (); else { // send destination first like received from I2P std::string dest = m_Stream->GetRemoteIdentity ()->ToBase64 (); dest += "\n"; if(sizeof(m_StreamBuffer) >= dest.size()) { memcpy (m_StreamBuffer, dest.c_str (), dest.size ()); } HandleStreamReceive (boost::system::error_code (), dest.size ()); } Receive (); } } void I2PClientTunnelConnectionHTTP::Write (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { if (m_HeaderSent) I2PTunnelConnection::Write (buf, len); else { m_InHeader.clear (); m_InHeader.write ((const char *)buf, len); std::string line; bool endOfHeader = false; while (!endOfHeader) { std::getline(m_InHeader, line); if (!m_InHeader.fail ()) { if (line == "\r") endOfHeader = true; else { if (!m_ConnectionSent && !line.compare(0, 10, "Connection")) { /* close connection, if not Connection: (U|u)pgrade (for websocket) */ auto x = line.find("pgrade"); if (x != std::string::npos && std::tolower(line[x - 1]) == 'u') m_OutHeader << line << "\r\n"; else m_OutHeader << "Connection: close\r\n"; m_ConnectionSent = true; } else if (!m_ProxyConnectionSent && !line.compare(0, 16, "Proxy-Connection")) { m_OutHeader << "Proxy-Connection: close\r\n"; m_ProxyConnectionSent = true; } else m_OutHeader << line << "\n"; } } else break; } if (endOfHeader) { if (!m_ConnectionSent) m_OutHeader << "Connection: close\r\n"; if (!m_ProxyConnectionSent) m_OutHeader << "Proxy-Connection: close\r\n"; m_OutHeader << "\r\n"; // end of header m_OutHeader << m_InHeader.str ().substr (m_InHeader.tellg ()); // data right after header m_InHeader.str (""); m_HeaderSent = true; I2PTunnelConnection::Write ((uint8_t *)m_OutHeader.str ().c_str (), m_OutHeader.str ().length ()); } else StreamReceive (); // read more header } } I2PServerTunnelConnectionHTTP::I2PServerTunnelConnectionHTTP (I2PService * owner, std::shared_ptr stream, std::shared_ptr socket, const boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint& target, const std::string& host): I2PTunnelConnection (owner, stream, socket, target), m_Host (host), m_HeaderSent (false), m_ResponseHeaderSent (false), m_From (stream->GetRemoteIdentity ()) { } void I2PServerTunnelConnectionHTTP::Write (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { if (m_HeaderSent) I2PTunnelConnection::Write (buf, len); else { m_InHeader.clear (); m_InHeader.write ((const char *)buf, len); std::string line; bool endOfHeader = false, connection = false; while (!endOfHeader) { std::getline(m_InHeader, line); if (!m_InHeader.fail ()) { if (line == "\r") endOfHeader = true; else { // strip up some headers static const std::vector excluded // list of excluded headers { "Keep-Alive:", "X-I2P" }; bool matched = false; for (const auto& it: excluded) if (boost::iequals (line.substr (0, it.length ()), it)) { matched = true; break; } if (matched) break; // replace some headers if (!m_Host.empty () && boost::iequals (line.substr (0, 5), "Host:")) m_OutHeader << "Host: " << m_Host << "\r\n"; // override host else if (boost::iequals (line.substr (0, 11), "Connection:")) { auto x = line.find("pgrade"); if (x != std::string::npos && x && std::tolower(line[x - 1]) != 'u') // upgrade or Upgrade m_OutHeader << line << "\n"; else m_OutHeader << "Connection: close\r\n"; connection = true; } else // forward as is m_OutHeader << line << "\n"; } } else break; } if (endOfHeader) { // add Connection if not presented if (!connection) m_OutHeader << "Connection: close\r\n"; // add X-I2P fields if (m_From) { m_OutHeader << X_I2P_DEST_B32 << ": " << context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(m_From->GetIdentHash ()) << "\r\n"; m_OutHeader << X_I2P_DEST_HASH << ": " << m_From->GetIdentHash ().ToBase64 () << "\r\n"; m_OutHeader << X_I2P_DEST_B64 << ": " << m_From->ToBase64 () << "\r\n"; } m_OutHeader << "\r\n"; // end of header m_OutHeader << m_InHeader.str ().substr (m_InHeader.tellg ()); // data right after header m_InHeader.str (""); m_From = nullptr; m_HeaderSent = true; I2PTunnelConnection::Write ((uint8_t *)m_OutHeader.str ().c_str (), m_OutHeader.str ().length ()); } else StreamReceive (); // read more header } } void I2PServerTunnelConnectionHTTP::WriteToStream (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { if (m_ResponseHeaderSent) I2PTunnelConnection::WriteToStream (buf, len); else { m_InHeader.clear (); if (m_InHeader.str ().empty ()) m_OutHeader.str (""); // start of response m_InHeader.write ((const char *)buf, len); std::string line; bool endOfHeader = false; while (!endOfHeader) { std::getline(m_InHeader, line); if (!m_InHeader.fail ()) { if (line == "\r") endOfHeader = true; else { static const std::vector excluded // list of excluded headers { "Server:", "Date:", "X-Runtime:", "X-Powered-By:", "Proxy" }; bool matched = false; for (const auto& it: excluded) if (!line.compare(0, it.length (), it)) { matched = true; break; } if (!matched) m_OutHeader << line << "\n"; } } else break; } if (endOfHeader) { m_OutHeader << "\r\n"; // end of header m_OutHeader << m_InHeader.str ().substr (m_InHeader.tellg ()); // data right after header m_InHeader.str (""); m_ResponseHeaderSent = true; I2PTunnelConnection::WriteToStream ((uint8_t *)m_OutHeader.str ().c_str (), m_OutHeader.str ().length ()); m_OutHeader.str (""); } else Receive (); } } I2PTunnelConnectionIRC::I2PTunnelConnectionIRC (I2PService * owner, std::shared_ptr stream, std::shared_ptr socket, const boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint& target, const std::string& webircpass): I2PTunnelConnection (owner, stream, socket, target), m_From (stream->GetRemoteIdentity ()), m_NeedsWebIrc (webircpass.length() ? true : false), m_WebircPass (webircpass) { } void I2PTunnelConnectionIRC::Write (const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { m_OutPacket.str (""); if (m_NeedsWebIrc) { m_NeedsWebIrc = false; m_OutPacket << "WEBIRC " << m_WebircPass << " cgiirc " << context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress (m_From->GetIdentHash ()) << " " << GetSocket ()->local_endpoint ().address () << std::endl; } m_InPacket.clear (); m_InPacket.write ((const char *)buf, len); while (!m_InPacket.eof () && !m_InPacket.fail ()) { std::string line; std::getline (m_InPacket, line); if (line.length () == 0 && m_InPacket.eof ()) m_InPacket.str (""); auto pos = line.find ("USER"); if (!pos) // start of line { pos = line.find (" "); pos++; pos = line.find (" ", pos); pos++; auto nextpos = line.find (" ", pos); m_OutPacket << line.substr (0, pos); m_OutPacket << context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress (m_From->GetIdentHash ()); m_OutPacket << line.substr (nextpos) << '\n'; } else m_OutPacket << line << '\n'; } I2PTunnelConnection::Write ((uint8_t *)m_OutPacket.str ().c_str (), m_OutPacket.str ().length ()); } /* This handler tries to establish a connection with the desired server and dies if it fails to do so */ class I2PClientTunnelHandler: public I2PServiceHandler, public std::enable_shared_from_this { public: I2PClientTunnelHandler (I2PClientTunnel * parent, std::shared_ptr address, int destinationPort, std::shared_ptr socket): I2PServiceHandler(parent), m_Address(address), m_DestinationPort (destinationPort), m_Socket(socket) {}; void Handle(); void Terminate(); private: void HandleStreamRequestComplete (std::shared_ptr stream); std::shared_ptr m_Address; int m_DestinationPort; std::shared_ptr m_Socket; }; void I2PClientTunnelHandler::Handle() { GetOwner()->CreateStream ( std::bind (&I2PClientTunnelHandler::HandleStreamRequestComplete, shared_from_this(), std::placeholders::_1), m_Address, m_DestinationPort); } void I2PClientTunnelHandler::HandleStreamRequestComplete (std::shared_ptr stream) { if (stream) { if (Kill()) return; LogPrint (eLogDebug, "I2PTunnel: New connection"); auto connection = std::make_shared(GetOwner(), m_Socket, stream); GetOwner()->AddHandler (connection); connection->I2PConnect (); Done(shared_from_this()); } else { LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Client Tunnel Issue when creating the stream, check the previous warnings for more info."); Terminate(); } } void I2PClientTunnelHandler::Terminate() { if (Kill()) return; if (m_Socket) { m_Socket->close(); m_Socket = nullptr; } Done(shared_from_this()); } I2PClientTunnel::I2PClientTunnel (const std::string& name, const std::string& destination, const std::string& address, int port, std::shared_ptr localDestination, int destinationPort): TCPIPAcceptor (address, port, localDestination), m_Name (name), m_Destination (destination), m_DestinationPort (destinationPort), m_KeepAliveInterval (0) { } void I2PClientTunnel::Start () { TCPIPAcceptor::Start (); GetAddress (); if (m_KeepAliveInterval) ScheduleKeepAliveTimer (); } void I2PClientTunnel::Stop () { TCPIPAcceptor::Stop(); m_Address = nullptr; if (m_KeepAliveTimer) m_KeepAliveTimer->cancel (); } void I2PClientTunnel::SetKeepAliveInterval (uint32_t keepAliveInterval) { m_KeepAliveInterval = keepAliveInterval; if (m_KeepAliveInterval) m_KeepAliveTimer.reset (new boost::asio::deadline_timer (GetLocalDestination ()->GetService ())); } /* HACK: maybe we should create a caching IdentHash provider in AddressBook */ std::shared_ptr I2PClientTunnel::GetAddress () { if (!m_Address) { m_Address = i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().GetAddress (m_Destination); if (!m_Address) LogPrint (eLogWarning, "I2PTunnel: Remote destination ", m_Destination, " not found"); } return m_Address; } std::shared_ptr I2PClientTunnel::CreateHandler(std::shared_ptr socket) { auto address = GetAddress (); if (address) return std::make_shared(this, address, m_DestinationPort, socket); else return nullptr; } void I2PClientTunnel::ScheduleKeepAliveTimer () { if (m_KeepAliveTimer) { m_KeepAliveTimer->expires_from_now (boost::posix_time::seconds (m_KeepAliveInterval)); m_KeepAliveTimer->async_wait (std::bind (&I2PClientTunnel::HandleKeepAliveTimer, this, std::placeholders::_1)); } } void I2PClientTunnel::HandleKeepAliveTimer (const boost::system::error_code& ecode) { if (ecode != boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { if (m_Address && m_Address->IsValid ()) { if (m_Address->IsIdentHash ()) GetLocalDestination ()->SendPing (m_Address->identHash); else GetLocalDestination ()->SendPing (m_Address->blindedPublicKey); } ScheduleKeepAliveTimer (); } } I2PServerTunnel::I2PServerTunnel (const std::string& name, const std::string& address, int port, std::shared_ptr localDestination, int inport, bool gzip): I2PService (localDestination), m_IsUniqueLocal(true), m_Name (name), m_Address (address), m_Port (port), m_IsAccessList (false) { m_PortDestination = localDestination->CreateStreamingDestination (inport > 0 ? inport : port, gzip); } void I2PServerTunnel::Start () { m_Endpoint.port (m_Port); boost::system::error_code ec; auto addr = boost::asio::ip::address::from_string (m_Address, ec); if (!ec) { m_Endpoint.address (addr); Accept (); } else { auto resolver = std::make_shared(GetService ()); resolver->async_resolve (boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query (m_Address, ""), std::bind (&I2PServerTunnel::HandleResolve, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, resolver)); } } void I2PServerTunnel::Stop () { if (m_PortDestination) m_PortDestination->ResetAcceptor (); auto localDestination = GetLocalDestination (); if (localDestination) localDestination->StopAcceptingStreams (); ClearHandlers (); } void I2PServerTunnel::HandleResolve (const boost::system::error_code& ecode, boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator it, std::shared_ptr resolver) { if (!ecode) { bool found = false; boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint ep; if (m_LocalAddress) { boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator end; while (it != end) { ep = *it; if (!ep.address ().is_unspecified ()) { if (ep.address ().is_v4 ()) { if (m_LocalAddress->is_v4 ()) found = true; } else if (ep.address ().is_v6 ()) { if (i2p::util::net::IsYggdrasilAddress (ep.address ())) { if (i2p::util::net::IsYggdrasilAddress (*m_LocalAddress)) found = true; } else if (m_LocalAddress->is_v6 ()) found = true; } } if (found) break; it++; } } else { found = true; ep = *it; // first available } if (!found) { LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Unable to resolve to compatible address"); return; } auto addr = ep.address (); LogPrint (eLogInfo, "I2PTunnel: Server tunnel ", (*it).host_name (), " has been resolved to ", addr); m_Endpoint.address (addr); Accept (); } else LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Unable to resolve server tunnel address: ", ecode.message ()); } void I2PServerTunnel::SetAccessList (const std::set& accessList) { m_AccessList = accessList; m_IsAccessList = true; } void I2PServerTunnel::SetLocalAddress (const std::string& localAddress) { boost::system::error_code ec; auto addr = boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(localAddress, ec); if (!ec) m_LocalAddress.reset (new boost::asio::ip::address (addr)); else LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Can't set local address ", localAddress); } void I2PServerTunnel::Accept () { if (m_PortDestination) m_PortDestination->SetAcceptor (std::bind (&I2PServerTunnel::HandleAccept, this, std::placeholders::_1)); auto localDestination = GetLocalDestination (); if (localDestination) { if (!localDestination->IsAcceptingStreams ()) // set it as default if not set yet localDestination->AcceptStreams (std::bind (&I2PServerTunnel::HandleAccept, this, std::placeholders::_1)); } else LogPrint (eLogError, "I2PTunnel: Local destination not set for server tunnel"); } void I2PServerTunnel::HandleAccept (std::shared_ptr stream) { if (stream) { if (m_IsAccessList) { if (!m_AccessList.count (stream->GetRemoteIdentity ()->GetIdentHash ())) { LogPrint (eLogWarning, "I2PTunnel: Address ", stream->GetRemoteIdentity ()->GetIdentHash ().ToBase32 (), " is not in white list. Incoming connection dropped"); stream->Close (); return; } } // new connection auto conn = CreateI2PConnection (stream); AddHandler (conn); if (m_LocalAddress) conn->Connect (*m_LocalAddress); else conn->Connect (m_IsUniqueLocal); } } std::shared_ptr I2PServerTunnel::CreateI2PConnection (std::shared_ptr stream) { return std::make_shared (this, stream, std::make_shared (GetService ()), GetEndpoint ()); } I2PServerTunnelHTTP::I2PServerTunnelHTTP (const std::string& name, const std::string& address, int port, std::shared_ptr localDestination, const std::string& host, int inport, bool gzip): I2PServerTunnel (name, address, port, localDestination, inport, gzip), m_Host (host) { } std::shared_ptr I2PServerTunnelHTTP::CreateI2PConnection (std::shared_ptr stream) { return std::make_shared (this, stream, std::make_shared (GetService ()), GetEndpoint (), m_Host); } I2PServerTunnelIRC::I2PServerTunnelIRC (const std::string& name, const std::string& address, int port, std::shared_ptr localDestination, const std::string& webircpass, int inport, bool gzip): I2PServerTunnel (name, address, port, localDestination, inport, gzip), m_WebircPass (webircpass) { } std::shared_ptr I2PServerTunnelIRC::CreateI2PConnection (std::shared_ptr stream) { return std::make_shared (this, stream, std::make_shared (GetService ()), GetEndpoint (), this->m_WebircPass); } void I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P(const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { if (!m_LastSession || m_LastSession->Identity.GetLL()[0] != from.GetIdentHash ().GetLL()[0] || fromPort != m_LastSession->RemotePort) { std::lock_guard lock(m_SessionsMutex); m_LastSession = ObtainUDPSession(from, toPort, fromPort); } m_LastSession->IPSocket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(buf, len), m_RemoteEndpoint); m_LastSession->LastActivity = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); } void I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (uint16_t, uint16_t, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { if (m_LastSession) { m_LastSession->IPSocket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(buf, len), m_RemoteEndpoint); m_LastSession->LastActivity = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); } } void I2PUDPServerTunnel::ExpireStale(const uint64_t delta) { std::lock_guard lock(m_SessionsMutex); uint64_t now = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); auto itr = m_Sessions.begin(); while(itr != m_Sessions.end()) { if(now - (*itr)->LastActivity >= delta ) itr = m_Sessions.erase(itr); else ++itr; } } void I2PUDPClientTunnel::ExpireStale(const uint64_t delta) { std::lock_guard lock(m_SessionsMutex); uint64_t now = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); std::vector removePorts; for (const auto & s : m_Sessions) { if (now - s.second->second >= delta) removePorts.push_back(s.first); } for(auto port : removePorts) { m_Sessions.erase(port); } } UDPSessionPtr I2PUDPServerTunnel::ObtainUDPSession(const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t localPort, uint16_t remotePort) { auto ih = from.GetIdentHash(); for (auto & s : m_Sessions ) { if (s->Identity.GetLL()[0] == ih.GetLL()[0] && remotePort == s->RemotePort) { /** found existing session */ LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPServer: Found session ", s->IPSocket.local_endpoint(), " ", ih.ToBase32()); return s; } } boost::asio::ip::address addr; /** create new udp session */ if(m_IsUniqueLocal && m_LocalAddress.is_loopback()) { auto ident = from.GetIdentHash(); addr = GetLoopbackAddressFor(ident); } else addr = m_LocalAddress; boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint ep(addr, 0); m_Sessions.push_back(std::make_shared(ep, m_LocalDest, m_RemoteEndpoint, &ih, localPort, remotePort)); auto & back = m_Sessions.back(); return back; } UDPSession::UDPSession(boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint, const std::shared_ptr & localDestination, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint endpoint, const i2p::data::IdentHash * to, uint16_t ourPort, uint16_t theirPort) : m_Destination(localDestination->GetDatagramDestination()), IPSocket(localDestination->GetService(), localEndpoint), SendEndpoint(endpoint), LastActivity(i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch()), LocalPort(ourPort), RemotePort(theirPort) { IPSocket.set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size (I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU )); memcpy(Identity, to->data(), 32); Receive(); } void UDPSession::Receive() { LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPSession: Receive"); IPSocket.async_receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(m_Buffer, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU), FromEndpoint, std::bind(&UDPSession::HandleReceived, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); } void UDPSession::HandleReceived(const boost::system::error_code & ecode, std::size_t len) { if(!ecode) { LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPSession: Forward ", len, "B from ", FromEndpoint); auto ts = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch(); auto session = m_Destination->GetSession (Identity); if (ts > LastActivity + I2P_UDP_REPLIABLE_DATAGRAM_INTERVAL) m_Destination->SendDatagram(session, m_Buffer, len, LocalPort, RemotePort); else m_Destination->SendRawDatagram(session, m_Buffer, len, LocalPort, RemotePort); size_t numPackets = 0; while (numPackets < i2p::datagram::DATAGRAM_SEND_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE) { boost::system::error_code ec; size_t moreBytes = IPSocket.available(ec); if (ec || !moreBytes) break; len = IPSocket.receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (m_Buffer, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU), FromEndpoint, 0, ec); m_Destination->SendRawDatagram (session, m_Buffer, len, LocalPort, RemotePort); numPackets++; } if (numPackets > 0) LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPSession: Forward more ", numPackets, "packets B from ", FromEndpoint); m_Destination->FlushSendQueue (session); LastActivity = ts; Receive(); } else LogPrint(eLogError, "UDPSession: ", ecode.message()); } I2PUDPServerTunnel::I2PUDPServerTunnel (const std::string & name, std::shared_ptr localDestination, boost::asio::ip::address localAddress, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint forwardTo, uint16_t port, bool gzip) : m_IsUniqueLocal (true), m_Name (name), m_LocalAddress (localAddress), m_RemoteEndpoint (forwardTo), m_LocalDest (localDestination), m_Gzip (gzip) { } I2PUDPServerTunnel::~I2PUDPServerTunnel () { Stop (); } void I2PUDPServerTunnel::Start () { m_LocalDest->Start (); auto dgram = m_LocalDest->CreateDatagramDestination (m_Gzip); dgram->SetReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5)); dgram->SetRawReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4)); } void I2PUDPServerTunnel::Stop () { auto dgram = m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination (); if (dgram) dgram->ResetReceiver (); } std::vector > I2PUDPServerTunnel::GetSessions () { std::vector > sessions; std::lock_guard lock (m_SessionsMutex); for (UDPSessionPtr s: m_Sessions) { if (!s->m_Destination) continue; auto info = s->m_Destination->GetInfoForRemote (s->Identity); if (!info) continue; auto sinfo = std::make_shared (); sinfo->Name = m_Name; sinfo->LocalIdent = std::make_shared (m_LocalDest->GetIdentHash ().data ()); sinfo->RemoteIdent = std::make_shared (s->Identity.data ()); sinfo->CurrentIBGW = info->IBGW; sinfo->CurrentOBEP = info->OBEP; sessions.push_back (sinfo); } return sessions; } I2PUDPClientTunnel::I2PUDPClientTunnel (const std::string & name, const std::string &remoteDest, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint, std::shared_ptr localDestination, uint16_t remotePort, bool gzip) : m_Name (name), m_RemoteDest (remoteDest), m_LocalDest (localDestination), m_LocalEndpoint (localEndpoint), m_RemoteIdent (nullptr), m_ResolveThread (nullptr), m_LocalSocket (nullptr), RemotePort (remotePort), m_LastPort (0), m_cancel_resolve (false), m_Gzip (gzip) { } I2PUDPClientTunnel::~I2PUDPClientTunnel () { Stop (); } void I2PUDPClientTunnel::Start () { // Reset flag in case of tunnel reload if (m_cancel_resolve) m_cancel_resolve = false; m_LocalSocket.reset (new boost::asio::ip::udp::socket (m_LocalDest->GetService (), m_LocalEndpoint)); m_LocalSocket->set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size (I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU)); m_LocalSocket->set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address (true)); auto dgram = m_LocalDest->CreateDatagramDestination (m_Gzip); dgram->SetReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5)); dgram->SetRawReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4)); m_LocalDest->Start (); if (m_ResolveThread == nullptr) m_ResolveThread = new std::thread (std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::TryResolving, this)); RecvFromLocal (); } void I2PUDPClientTunnel::Stop () { auto dgram = m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination (); if (dgram) dgram->ResetReceiver (); m_cancel_resolve = true; m_Sessions.clear(); if(m_LocalSocket && m_LocalSocket->is_open ()) m_LocalSocket->close (); if(m_ResolveThread) { m_ResolveThread->join (); delete m_ResolveThread; m_ResolveThread = nullptr; } if (m_RemoteIdent) { delete m_RemoteIdent; m_RemoteIdent = nullptr; } } void I2PUDPClientTunnel::RecvFromLocal () { m_LocalSocket->async_receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (m_RecvBuff, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU), m_RecvEndpoint, std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromLocal, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)); } void I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromLocal (const boost::system::error_code & ec, std::size_t transferred) { if (m_cancel_resolve) { LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Ignoring incomming data: stopping"); return; } if (ec) { LogPrint (eLogError, "UDP Client: Reading from socket error: ", ec.message (), ". Restarting listener..."); RecvFromLocal (); // Restart listener and continue work return; } if (!m_RemoteIdent) { LogPrint (eLogWarning, "UDP Client: Remote endpoint not resolved yet"); RecvFromLocal (); return; // drop, remote not resolved } auto remotePort = m_RecvEndpoint.port (); if (!m_LastPort || m_LastPort != remotePort) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find (remotePort); if (itr != m_Sessions.end ()) m_LastSession = itr->second; else { m_LastSession = std::make_shared (boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint (m_RecvEndpoint), 0); m_Sessions.emplace (remotePort, m_LastSession); } m_LastPort = remotePort; } // send off to remote i2p destination auto ts = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch (); LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Send ", transferred, " to ", m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 (), ":", RemotePort); auto session = m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->GetSession (*m_RemoteIdent); if (ts > m_LastSession->second + I2P_UDP_REPLIABLE_DATAGRAM_INTERVAL) m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->SendDatagram (session, m_RecvBuff, transferred, remotePort, RemotePort); else m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->SendRawDatagram (session, m_RecvBuff, transferred, remotePort, RemotePort); size_t numPackets = 0; while (numPackets < i2p::datagram::DATAGRAM_SEND_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE) { boost::system::error_code ec; size_t moreBytes = m_LocalSocket->available (ec); if (ec || !moreBytes) break; transferred = m_LocalSocket->receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (m_RecvBuff, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU), m_RecvEndpoint, 0, ec); remotePort = m_RecvEndpoint.port (); // TODO: check remotePort m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->SendRawDatagram (session, m_RecvBuff, transferred, remotePort, RemotePort); numPackets++; } if (numPackets) LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Sent ", numPackets, " more packets to ", m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 ()); m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->FlushSendQueue (session); // mark convo as active if (m_LastSession) m_LastSession->second = ts; RecvFromLocal (); } std::vector > I2PUDPClientTunnel::GetSessions () { // TODO: implement std::vector > infos; return infos; } void I2PUDPClientTunnel::TryResolving () { i2p::util::SetThreadName ("UDP Resolver"); LogPrint (eLogInfo, "UDP Tunnel: Trying to resolve ", m_RemoteDest); std::shared_ptr addr; while (!(addr = context.GetAddressBook().GetAddress(m_RemoteDest)) && !m_cancel_resolve) { LogPrint (eLogWarning, "UDP Tunnel: Failed to lookup ", m_RemoteDest); std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::seconds (1)); } if (m_cancel_resolve) { LogPrint(eLogError, "UDP Tunnel: Lookup of ", m_RemoteDest, " was cancelled"); return; } if (!addr || !addr->IsIdentHash ()) { LogPrint (eLogError, "UDP Tunnel: ", m_RemoteDest, " not found"); return; } m_RemoteIdent = new i2p::data::IdentHash; *m_RemoteIdent = addr->identHash; LogPrint(eLogInfo, "UDP Tunnel: Resolved ", m_RemoteDest, " to ", m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 ()); } void I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P (const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { if (m_RemoteIdent && from.GetIdentHash() == *m_RemoteIdent) HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (fromPort, toPort, buf, len); else LogPrint(eLogWarning, "UDP Client: Unwarranted traffic from ", from.GetIdentHash().ToBase32 ()); } void I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len) { auto itr = m_Sessions.find (toPort); // found convo ? if (itr != m_Sessions.end ()) { // found convo if (len > 0) { LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Got ", len, "B from ", m_RemoteIdent ? m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 () : ""); m_LocalSocket->send_to (boost::asio::buffer (buf, len), itr->second->first); // mark convo as active itr->second->second = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch (); } } else LogPrint (eLogWarning, "UDP Client: Not tracking udp session using port ", (int) toPort); } } }