#include "HTTP.h" #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <regex> #include <fstream> #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include "Log.h" namespace i2p { namespace util { namespace http { void Request::parseRequestLine(const std::string& line) { std::stringstream ss(line); ss >> method; ss >> uri; } void Request::parseHeaderLine(const std::string& line) { const std::size_t pos = line.find_first_of(':'); headers[boost::trim_copy(line.substr(0, pos))] = boost::trim_copy(line.substr(pos + 1)); } void Request::parseHeader(std::stringstream& ss) { std::string line; while(std::getline(ss, line) && !boost::trim_copy(line).empty()) parseHeaderLine(line); has_header = boost::trim_copy(line).empty(); if(!has_header) header_part = line; else header_part = ""; } void Request::setIsComplete() { auto it = headers.find("Content-Length"); if(it == headers.end()) { // If Content-Length is not set, assume there is no more content // TODO: Support chunked transfer, or explictly reject it is_complete = true; return; } const std::size_t length = std::stoi(it->second); is_complete = content.size() >= length; } Request::Request(const std::string& data) { if(!data.empty()) has_data = true; std::stringstream ss(data); std::string line; std::getline(ss, line); // Assume the request line is always passed in one go parseRequestLine(line); parseHeader(ss); if(has_header && ss) { const std::string current = ss.str(); content = current.substr(ss.tellg()); } if(has_header) setIsComplete(); } std::string Request::getMethod() const { return method; } std::string Request::getUri() const { return uri; } std::string Request::getHost() const { return host; } int Request::getPort() const { return port; } std::string Request::getHeader(const std::string& name) const { return headers.at(name); } std::string Request::getContent() const { return content; } bool Request::hasData() const { return has_data; } bool Request::isComplete() const { return is_complete; } void Request::clear() { has_data = false; has_header = false; is_complete = false; } void Request::update(const std::string& data) { std::stringstream ss(header_part + data); if(!has_header) parseHeader(ss); if(has_header && ss) { const std::string current = ss.str(); content += current.substr(ss.tellg()); } if(has_header) setIsComplete(); } Response::Response(int status, const std::string& content) : status(status), content(content), headers() { } void Response::setHeader(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { headers[name] = value; } std::string Response::toString() const { std::stringstream ss; ss << "HTTP/1.1 " << status << ' ' << getStatusMessage() << "\r\n"; for(auto& pair : headers) ss << pair.first << ": " << pair.second << "\r\n"; ss << "\r\n" << content; return ss.str(); } std::string Response::getStatusMessage() const { switch(status) { case 105: return "Name Not Resolved"; case 200: return "OK"; case 400: return "Bad Request"; case 404: return "Not Found"; case 408: return "Request Timeout"; case 500: return "Internal Server Error"; case 502: return "Not Implemented"; case 504: return "Gateway Timeout"; default: return std::string(); } } void Response::setContentLength() { setHeader("Content-Length", std::to_string(content.size())); } std::string preprocessContent(const std::string& content, const std::string& path) { const boost::filesystem::path directory(path); // Given path is assumed to be clean static const std::regex re( "<\\!\\-\\-\\s*#include\\s+virtual\\s*\\=\\s*\"([^\"]*)\"\\s*\\-\\->" ); boost::system::error_code e; std::string result; std::smatch match; auto it = content.begin(); while(std::regex_search(it, content.end(), match, re)) { const auto last = it; std::advance(it, match.position()); result.append(last, it); std::advance(it, match.length()); // Read the contents of the included file std::ifstream ifs( boost::filesystem::canonical(directory / std::string(match[1]), e).string(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary ); if(e || !ifs) continue; std::string data; ifs.seekg(0, ifs.end); data.resize(ifs.tellg()); ifs.seekg(0, ifs.beg); ifs.read(&data[0], data.size()); result += data; } // Append all of the remaining content result.append(it, content.end()); return result; } std::string getMimeType(const std::string& filename) { const std::string ext = filename.substr(filename.find_last_of(".")); if(ext == ".css") return "text/css"; else if(ext == ".js") return "text/javascript"; else if(ext == ".html" || ext == ".htm") return "text/html"; else return "application/octet-stream"; } } } }