mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 11:04:00 +01:00
I2PTunnel/UDPTunnel split
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013-2021, The PurpleI2P Project
* Copyright (c) 2013-2022, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "Base.h"
#include "Gzip.h"
#include "Identity.h"
#include "LeaseSet.h"
#include "I2NPProtocol.h"
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "HTTPProxy.h"
#include "SOCKS.h"
#include "I2PTunnel.h"
#include "UDPTunnel.h"
#include "SAM.h"
#include "BOB.h"
#include "I2CP.h"
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace client
Receive ();
static boost::asio::ip::address GetLoopbackAddressFor(const i2p::data::IdentHash & addr)
boost::asio::ip::address GetLoopbackAddressFor(const i2p::data::IdentHash & addr)
boost::asio::ip::address_v4::bytes_type bytes;
const uint8_t * ident = addr;
@ -874,370 +874,6 @@ namespace client
return std::make_shared<I2PTunnelConnectionIRC> (this, stream, GetEndpoint (), m_WebircPass, GetSSLCtx ());
void I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P(const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
if (!m_LastSession || m_LastSession->Identity.GetLL()[0] != from.GetIdentHash ().GetLL()[0] || fromPort != m_LastSession->RemotePort)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_SessionsMutex);
m_LastSession = ObtainUDPSession(from, toPort, fromPort);
m_LastSession->IPSocket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(buf, len), m_RemoteEndpoint);
m_LastSession->LastActivity = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch();
void I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (uint16_t, uint16_t, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
if (m_LastSession)
m_LastSession->IPSocket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(buf, len), m_RemoteEndpoint);
m_LastSession->LastActivity = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch();
void I2PUDPServerTunnel::ExpireStale(const uint64_t delta)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_SessionsMutex);
uint64_t now = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch();
auto itr = m_Sessions.begin();
while(itr != m_Sessions.end()) {
if(now - (*itr)->LastActivity >= delta )
itr = m_Sessions.erase(itr);
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::ExpireStale(const uint64_t delta)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_SessionsMutex);
uint64_t now = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch();
std::vector<uint16_t> removePorts;
for (const auto & s : m_Sessions) {
if (now - s.second->second >= delta)
for(auto port : removePorts) {
UDPSessionPtr I2PUDPServerTunnel::ObtainUDPSession(const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t localPort, uint16_t remotePort)
auto ih = from.GetIdentHash();
for (auto & s : m_Sessions )
if (s->Identity.GetLL()[0] == ih.GetLL()[0] && remotePort == s->RemotePort)
/** found existing session */
LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPServer: Found session ", s->IPSocket.local_endpoint(), " ", ih.ToBase32());
return s;
boost::asio::ip::address addr;
/** create new udp session */
if(m_IsUniqueLocal && m_LocalAddress.is_loopback())
auto ident = from.GetIdentHash();
addr = GetLoopbackAddressFor(ident);
addr = m_LocalAddress;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint ep(addr, 0);
m_Sessions.push_back(std::make_shared<UDPSession>(ep, m_LocalDest, m_RemoteEndpoint, &ih, localPort, remotePort));
auto & back = m_Sessions.back();
return back;
UDPSession::UDPSession(boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint,
const std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> & localDestination,
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint endpoint, const i2p::data::IdentHash * to,
uint16_t ourPort, uint16_t theirPort) :
IPSocket(localDestination->GetService(), localEndpoint),
IPSocket.set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size (I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU ));
memcpy(Identity, to->data(), 32);
void UDPSession::Receive()
LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPSession: Receive");
IPSocket.async_receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(m_Buffer, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU),
FromEndpoint, std::bind(&UDPSession::HandleReceived, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
void UDPSession::HandleReceived(const boost::system::error_code & ecode, std::size_t len)
LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPSession: Forward ", len, "B from ", FromEndpoint);
auto ts = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch();
auto session = m_Destination->GetSession (Identity);
m_Destination->SendDatagram(session, m_Buffer, len, LocalPort, RemotePort);
m_Destination->SendRawDatagram(session, m_Buffer, len, LocalPort, RemotePort);
size_t numPackets = 0;
while (numPackets < i2p::datagram::DATAGRAM_SEND_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE)
boost::system::error_code ec;
size_t moreBytes = IPSocket.available(ec);
if (ec || !moreBytes) break;
len = IPSocket.receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (m_Buffer, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU), FromEndpoint, 0, ec);
m_Destination->SendRawDatagram (session, m_Buffer, len, LocalPort, RemotePort);
if (numPackets > 0)
LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPSession: Forward more ", numPackets, "packets B from ", FromEndpoint);
m_Destination->FlushSendQueue (session);
LastActivity = ts;
LogPrint(eLogError, "UDPSession: ", ecode.message());
I2PUDPServerTunnel::I2PUDPServerTunnel (const std::string & name, std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> localDestination,
boost::asio::ip::address localAddress, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint forwardTo, uint16_t port, bool gzip) :
m_IsUniqueLocal (true), m_Name (name), m_LocalAddress (localAddress),
m_RemoteEndpoint (forwardTo), m_LocalDest (localDestination), m_Gzip (gzip)
I2PUDPServerTunnel::~I2PUDPServerTunnel ()
Stop ();
void I2PUDPServerTunnel::Start ()
m_LocalDest->Start ();
auto dgram = m_LocalDest->CreateDatagramDestination (m_Gzip);
dgram->SetReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
dgram->SetRawReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4));
void I2PUDPServerTunnel::Stop ()
auto dgram = m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ();
if (dgram) dgram->ResetReceiver ();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > I2PUDPServerTunnel::GetSessions ()
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > sessions;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (m_SessionsMutex);
for (UDPSessionPtr s: m_Sessions)
if (!s->m_Destination) continue;
auto info = s->m_Destination->GetInfoForRemote (s->Identity);
if (!info) continue;
auto sinfo = std::make_shared<DatagramSessionInfo> ();
sinfo->Name = m_Name;
sinfo->LocalIdent = std::make_shared<i2p::data::IdentHash> (m_LocalDest->GetIdentHash ().data ());
sinfo->RemoteIdent = std::make_shared<i2p::data::IdentHash> (s->Identity.data ());
sinfo->CurrentIBGW = info->IBGW;
sinfo->CurrentOBEP = info->OBEP;
sessions.push_back (sinfo);
return sessions;
I2PUDPClientTunnel::I2PUDPClientTunnel (const std::string & name, const std::string &remoteDest,
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint,
std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> localDestination,
uint16_t remotePort, bool gzip) :
m_Name (name), m_RemoteDest (remoteDest), m_LocalDest (localDestination), m_LocalEndpoint (localEndpoint),
m_RemoteIdent (nullptr), m_ResolveThread (nullptr), m_LocalSocket (nullptr), RemotePort (remotePort),
m_LastPort (0), m_cancel_resolve (false), m_Gzip (gzip)
I2PUDPClientTunnel::~I2PUDPClientTunnel ()
Stop ();
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::Start ()
// Reset flag in case of tunnel reload
if (m_cancel_resolve) m_cancel_resolve = false;
m_LocalSocket.reset (new boost::asio::ip::udp::socket (m_LocalDest->GetService (), m_LocalEndpoint));
m_LocalSocket->set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size (I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU));
m_LocalSocket->set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address (true));
auto dgram = m_LocalDest->CreateDatagramDestination (m_Gzip);
dgram->SetReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P, this,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4,
dgram->SetRawReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw, this,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4));
m_LocalDest->Start ();
if (m_ResolveThread == nullptr)
m_ResolveThread = new std::thread (std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::TryResolving, this));
RecvFromLocal ();
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::Stop ()
auto dgram = m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ();
if (dgram) dgram->ResetReceiver ();
m_cancel_resolve = true;
if(m_LocalSocket && m_LocalSocket->is_open ())
m_LocalSocket->close ();
m_ResolveThread->join ();
delete m_ResolveThread;
m_ResolveThread = nullptr;
if (m_RemoteIdent)
delete m_RemoteIdent;
m_RemoteIdent = nullptr;
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::RecvFromLocal ()
m_LocalSocket->async_receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (m_RecvBuff, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU),
m_RecvEndpoint, std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromLocal, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromLocal (const boost::system::error_code & ec, std::size_t transferred)
if (m_cancel_resolve) {
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Ignoring incomming data: stopping");
if (ec) {
LogPrint (eLogError, "UDP Client: Reading from socket error: ", ec.message (), ". Restarting listener...");
RecvFromLocal (); // Restart listener and continue work
if (!m_RemoteIdent) {
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "UDP Client: Remote endpoint not resolved yet");
RecvFromLocal ();
return; // drop, remote not resolved
auto remotePort = m_RecvEndpoint.port ();
if (!m_LastPort || m_LastPort != remotePort)
auto itr = m_Sessions.find (remotePort);
if (itr != m_Sessions.end ())
m_LastSession = itr->second;
m_LastSession = std::make_shared<UDPConvo> (boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint (m_RecvEndpoint), 0);
m_Sessions.emplace (remotePort, m_LastSession);
m_LastPort = remotePort;
// send off to remote i2p destination
auto ts = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch ();
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Send ", transferred, " to ", m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 (), ":", RemotePort);
auto session = m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->GetSession (*m_RemoteIdent);
if (ts > m_LastSession->second + I2P_UDP_REPLIABLE_DATAGRAM_INTERVAL)
m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->SendDatagram (session, m_RecvBuff, transferred, remotePort, RemotePort);
m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->SendRawDatagram (session, m_RecvBuff, transferred, remotePort, RemotePort);
size_t numPackets = 0;
while (numPackets < i2p::datagram::DATAGRAM_SEND_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE)
boost::system::error_code ec;
size_t moreBytes = m_LocalSocket->available (ec);
if (ec || !moreBytes) break;
transferred = m_LocalSocket->receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (m_RecvBuff, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU), m_RecvEndpoint, 0, ec);
remotePort = m_RecvEndpoint.port ();
// TODO: check remotePort
m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->SendRawDatagram (session, m_RecvBuff, transferred, remotePort, RemotePort);
if (numPackets)
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Sent ", numPackets, " more packets to ", m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 ());
m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->FlushSendQueue (session);
// mark convo as active
if (m_LastSession)
m_LastSession->second = ts;
RecvFromLocal ();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > I2PUDPClientTunnel::GetSessions ()
// TODO: implement
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > infos;
return infos;
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::TryResolving ()
i2p::util::SetThreadName ("UDP Resolver");
LogPrint (eLogInfo, "UDP Tunnel: Trying to resolve ", m_RemoteDest);
std::shared_ptr<const Address> addr;
while (!(addr = context.GetAddressBook().GetAddress(m_RemoteDest)) && !m_cancel_resolve)
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "UDP Tunnel: Failed to lookup ", m_RemoteDest);
std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::seconds (1));
if (m_cancel_resolve)
LogPrint(eLogError, "UDP Tunnel: Lookup of ", m_RemoteDest, " was cancelled");
if (!addr || !addr->IsIdentHash ())
LogPrint (eLogError, "UDP Tunnel: ", m_RemoteDest, " not found");
m_RemoteIdent = new i2p::data::IdentHash;
*m_RemoteIdent = addr->identHash;
LogPrint(eLogInfo, "UDP Tunnel: Resolved ", m_RemoteDest, " to ", m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 ());
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P (const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
if (m_RemoteIdent && from.GetIdentHash() == *m_RemoteIdent)
HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (fromPort, toPort, buf, len);
LogPrint(eLogWarning, "UDP Client: Unwarranted traffic from ", from.GetIdentHash().ToBase32 ());
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
auto itr = m_Sessions.find (toPort);
// found convo ?
if (itr != m_Sessions.end ())
// found convo
if (len > 0)
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Got ", len, "B from ", m_RemoteIdent ? m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 () : "");
m_LocalSocket->send_to (boost::asio::buffer (buf, len), itr->second->first);
// mark convo as active
itr->second->second = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch ();
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "UDP Client: Not tracking udp session using port ", (int) toPort);
@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include <boost/asio/ssl.hpp>
#include "Identity.h"
#include "Destination.h"
#include "Datagram.h"
#include "Streaming.h"
#include "I2PService.h"
#include "AddressBook.h"
@ -180,162 +179,6 @@ namespace client
std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::deadline_timer> m_KeepAliveTimer;
/** 2 minute timeout for udp sessions */
const uint64_t I2P_UDP_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 60 * 2;
const uint64_t I2P_UDP_REPLIABLE_DATAGRAM_INTERVAL = 100; // in milliseconds
/** max size for i2p udp */
const size_t I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU = 64*1024;
struct UDPSession
i2p::datagram::DatagramDestination * m_Destination;
boost::asio::ip::udp::socket IPSocket;
i2p::data::IdentHash Identity;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint FromEndpoint;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint SendEndpoint;
uint64_t LastActivity;
uint16_t LocalPort;
uint16_t RemotePort;
uint8_t m_Buffer[I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU];
UDPSession(boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint,
const std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> & localDestination,
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint remote, const i2p::data::IdentHash * ident,
uint16_t ourPort, uint16_t theirPort);
void HandleReceived(const boost::system::error_code & ecode, std::size_t len);
void Receive();
/** read only info about a datagram session */
struct DatagramSessionInfo
/** the name of this forward */
std::string Name;
/** ident hash of local destination */
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentHash> LocalIdent;
/** ident hash of remote destination */
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentHash> RemoteIdent;
/** ident hash of IBGW in use currently in this session or nullptr if none is set */
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentHash> CurrentIBGW;
/** ident hash of OBEP in use for this session or nullptr if none is set */
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentHash> CurrentOBEP;
/** i2p router's udp endpoint */
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint LocalEndpoint;
/** client's udp endpoint */
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint RemoteEndpoint;
/** how long has this converstation been idle in ms */
uint64_t idle;
typedef std::shared_ptr<UDPSession> UDPSessionPtr;
/** server side udp tunnel, many i2p inbound to 1 ip outbound */
class I2PUDPServerTunnel
I2PUDPServerTunnel (const std::string & name,
std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> localDestination,
boost::asio::ip::address localAddress,
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint forwardTo, uint16_t port, bool gzip);
~I2PUDPServerTunnel ();
/** expire stale udp conversations */
void ExpireStale (const uint64_t delta=I2P_UDP_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
void Start ();
void Stop ();
const char * GetName () const { return m_Name.c_str(); }
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > GetSessions ();
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> GetLocalDestination () const { return m_LocalDest; }
void SetUniqueLocal (bool isUniqueLocal = true) { m_IsUniqueLocal = isUniqueLocal; }
void HandleRecvFromI2P (const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len);
void HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len);
UDPSessionPtr ObtainUDPSession (const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t localPort, uint16_t remotePort);
bool m_IsUniqueLocal;
const std::string m_Name;
boost::asio::ip::address m_LocalAddress;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint m_RemoteEndpoint;
std::mutex m_SessionsMutex;
std::vector<UDPSessionPtr> m_Sessions;
std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> m_LocalDest;
UDPSessionPtr m_LastSession;
bool m_Gzip;
bool isUpdated; // transient, used during reload only
class I2PUDPClientTunnel
I2PUDPClientTunnel (const std::string & name, const std::string &remoteDest,
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint, std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> localDestination,
uint16_t remotePort, bool gzip);
~I2PUDPClientTunnel ();
void Start ();
void Stop ();
const char * GetName () const { return m_Name.c_str(); }
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > GetSessions ();
bool IsLocalDestination (const i2p::data::IdentHash & destination) const { return destination == m_LocalDest->GetIdentHash(); }
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> GetLocalDestination () const { return m_LocalDest; }
inline void SetLocalDestination (std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> dest)
if (m_LocalDest) m_LocalDest->Release ();
if (dest) dest->Acquire ();
m_LocalDest = dest;
void ExpireStale (const uint64_t delta=I2P_UDP_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
typedef std::pair<boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint, uint64_t> UDPConvo;
void RecvFromLocal ();
void HandleRecvFromLocal (const boost::system::error_code & e, std::size_t transferred);
void HandleRecvFromI2P (const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len);
void HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len);
void TryResolving ();
const std::string m_Name;
std::mutex m_SessionsMutex;
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<UDPConvo> > m_Sessions; // maps i2p port -> local udp convo
const std::string m_RemoteDest;
std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> m_LocalDest;
const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint m_LocalEndpoint;
i2p::data::IdentHash * m_RemoteIdent;
std::thread * m_ResolveThread;
std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::ip::udp::socket> m_LocalSocket;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint m_RecvEndpoint;
uint8_t m_RecvBuff[I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU];
uint16_t RemotePort, m_LastPort;
bool m_cancel_resolve;
bool m_Gzip;
std::shared_ptr<UDPConvo> m_LastSession;
bool isUpdated; // transient, used during reload only
class I2PServerTunnel: public I2PService
@ -418,6 +261,8 @@ namespace client
std::string m_WebircPass;
boost::asio::ip::address GetLoopbackAddressFor(const i2p::data::IdentHash & addr);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013-2022, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree
#include "Log.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "ClientContext.h"
#include "I2PTunnel.h" // for GetLoopbackAddressFor
#include "UDPTunnel.h"
namespace i2p
namespace client
void I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P(const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
if (!m_LastSession || m_LastSession->Identity.GetLL()[0] != from.GetIdentHash ().GetLL()[0] || fromPort != m_LastSession->RemotePort)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_SessionsMutex);
m_LastSession = ObtainUDPSession(from, toPort, fromPort);
m_LastSession->IPSocket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(buf, len), m_RemoteEndpoint);
m_LastSession->LastActivity = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch();
void I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (uint16_t, uint16_t, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
if (m_LastSession)
m_LastSession->IPSocket.send_to(boost::asio::buffer(buf, len), m_RemoteEndpoint);
m_LastSession->LastActivity = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch();
void I2PUDPServerTunnel::ExpireStale(const uint64_t delta)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_SessionsMutex);
uint64_t now = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch();
auto itr = m_Sessions.begin();
while(itr != m_Sessions.end()) {
if(now - (*itr)->LastActivity >= delta )
itr = m_Sessions.erase(itr);
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::ExpireStale(const uint64_t delta)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_SessionsMutex);
uint64_t now = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch();
std::vector<uint16_t> removePorts;
for (const auto & s : m_Sessions) {
if (now - s.second->second >= delta)
for(auto port : removePorts) {
UDPSessionPtr I2PUDPServerTunnel::ObtainUDPSession(const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t localPort, uint16_t remotePort)
auto ih = from.GetIdentHash();
for (auto & s : m_Sessions )
if (s->Identity.GetLL()[0] == ih.GetLL()[0] && remotePort == s->RemotePort)
/** found existing session */
LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPServer: Found session ", s->IPSocket.local_endpoint(), " ", ih.ToBase32());
return s;
boost::asio::ip::address addr;
/** create new udp session */
if(m_IsUniqueLocal && m_LocalAddress.is_loopback())
auto ident = from.GetIdentHash();
addr = GetLoopbackAddressFor(ident);
addr = m_LocalAddress;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint ep(addr, 0);
m_Sessions.push_back(std::make_shared<UDPSession>(ep, m_LocalDest, m_RemoteEndpoint, &ih, localPort, remotePort));
auto & back = m_Sessions.back();
return back;
UDPSession::UDPSession(boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint,
const std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> & localDestination,
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint endpoint, const i2p::data::IdentHash * to,
uint16_t ourPort, uint16_t theirPort) :
IPSocket(localDestination->GetService(), localEndpoint),
IPSocket.set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size (I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU ));
memcpy(Identity, to->data(), 32);
void UDPSession::Receive()
LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPSession: Receive");
IPSocket.async_receive_from(boost::asio::buffer(m_Buffer, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU),
FromEndpoint, std::bind(&UDPSession::HandleReceived, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
void UDPSession::HandleReceived(const boost::system::error_code & ecode, std::size_t len)
LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPSession: Forward ", len, "B from ", FromEndpoint);
auto ts = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch();
auto session = m_Destination->GetSession (Identity);
m_Destination->SendDatagram(session, m_Buffer, len, LocalPort, RemotePort);
m_Destination->SendRawDatagram(session, m_Buffer, len, LocalPort, RemotePort);
size_t numPackets = 0;
while (numPackets < i2p::datagram::DATAGRAM_SEND_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE)
boost::system::error_code ec;
size_t moreBytes = IPSocket.available(ec);
if (ec || !moreBytes) break;
len = IPSocket.receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (m_Buffer, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU), FromEndpoint, 0, ec);
m_Destination->SendRawDatagram (session, m_Buffer, len, LocalPort, RemotePort);
if (numPackets > 0)
LogPrint(eLogDebug, "UDPSession: Forward more ", numPackets, "packets B from ", FromEndpoint);
m_Destination->FlushSendQueue (session);
LastActivity = ts;
LogPrint(eLogError, "UDPSession: ", ecode.message());
I2PUDPServerTunnel::I2PUDPServerTunnel (const std::string & name, std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> localDestination,
boost::asio::ip::address localAddress, boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint forwardTo, uint16_t port, bool gzip) :
m_IsUniqueLocal (true), m_Name (name), m_LocalAddress (localAddress),
m_RemoteEndpoint (forwardTo), m_LocalDest (localDestination), m_Gzip (gzip)
I2PUDPServerTunnel::~I2PUDPServerTunnel ()
Stop ();
void I2PUDPServerTunnel::Start ()
m_LocalDest->Start ();
auto dgram = m_LocalDest->CreateDatagramDestination (m_Gzip);
dgram->SetReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4, std::placeholders::_5));
dgram->SetRawReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPServerTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4));
void I2PUDPServerTunnel::Stop ()
auto dgram = m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ();
if (dgram) dgram->ResetReceiver ();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > I2PUDPServerTunnel::GetSessions ()
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > sessions;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock (m_SessionsMutex);
for (UDPSessionPtr s: m_Sessions)
if (!s->m_Destination) continue;
auto info = s->m_Destination->GetInfoForRemote (s->Identity);
if (!info) continue;
auto sinfo = std::make_shared<DatagramSessionInfo> ();
sinfo->Name = m_Name;
sinfo->LocalIdent = std::make_shared<i2p::data::IdentHash> (m_LocalDest->GetIdentHash ().data ());
sinfo->RemoteIdent = std::make_shared<i2p::data::IdentHash> (s->Identity.data ());
sinfo->CurrentIBGW = info->IBGW;
sinfo->CurrentOBEP = info->OBEP;
sessions.push_back (sinfo);
return sessions;
I2PUDPClientTunnel::I2PUDPClientTunnel (const std::string & name, const std::string &remoteDest,
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint,
std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> localDestination,
uint16_t remotePort, bool gzip) :
m_Name (name), m_RemoteDest (remoteDest), m_LocalDest (localDestination), m_LocalEndpoint (localEndpoint),
m_RemoteIdent (nullptr), m_ResolveThread (nullptr), m_LocalSocket (nullptr), RemotePort (remotePort),
m_LastPort (0), m_cancel_resolve (false), m_Gzip (gzip)
I2PUDPClientTunnel::~I2PUDPClientTunnel ()
Stop ();
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::Start ()
// Reset flag in case of tunnel reload
if (m_cancel_resolve) m_cancel_resolve = false;
m_LocalSocket.reset (new boost::asio::ip::udp::socket (m_LocalDest->GetService (), m_LocalEndpoint));
m_LocalSocket->set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::receive_buffer_size (I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU));
m_LocalSocket->set_option (boost::asio::socket_base::reuse_address (true));
auto dgram = m_LocalDest->CreateDatagramDestination (m_Gzip);
dgram->SetReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P, this,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4,
dgram->SetRawReceiver (std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw, this,
std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3, std::placeholders::_4));
m_LocalDest->Start ();
if (m_ResolveThread == nullptr)
m_ResolveThread = new std::thread (std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::TryResolving, this));
RecvFromLocal ();
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::Stop ()
auto dgram = m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ();
if (dgram) dgram->ResetReceiver ();
m_cancel_resolve = true;
if(m_LocalSocket && m_LocalSocket->is_open ())
m_LocalSocket->close ();
m_ResolveThread->join ();
delete m_ResolveThread;
m_ResolveThread = nullptr;
if (m_RemoteIdent)
delete m_RemoteIdent;
m_RemoteIdent = nullptr;
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::RecvFromLocal ()
m_LocalSocket->async_receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (m_RecvBuff, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU),
m_RecvEndpoint, std::bind (&I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromLocal, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2));
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromLocal (const boost::system::error_code & ec, std::size_t transferred)
if (m_cancel_resolve) {
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Ignoring incomming data: stopping");
if (ec) {
LogPrint (eLogError, "UDP Client: Reading from socket error: ", ec.message (), ". Restarting listener...");
RecvFromLocal (); // Restart listener and continue work
if (!m_RemoteIdent) {
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "UDP Client: Remote endpoint not resolved yet");
RecvFromLocal ();
return; // drop, remote not resolved
auto remotePort = m_RecvEndpoint.port ();
if (!m_LastPort || m_LastPort != remotePort)
auto itr = m_Sessions.find (remotePort);
if (itr != m_Sessions.end ())
m_LastSession = itr->second;
m_LastSession = std::make_shared<UDPConvo> (boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint (m_RecvEndpoint), 0);
m_Sessions.emplace (remotePort, m_LastSession);
m_LastPort = remotePort;
// send off to remote i2p destination
auto ts = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch ();
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Send ", transferred, " to ", m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 (), ":", RemotePort);
auto session = m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->GetSession (*m_RemoteIdent);
if (ts > m_LastSession->second + I2P_UDP_REPLIABLE_DATAGRAM_INTERVAL)
m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->SendDatagram (session, m_RecvBuff, transferred, remotePort, RemotePort);
m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->SendRawDatagram (session, m_RecvBuff, transferred, remotePort, RemotePort);
size_t numPackets = 0;
while (numPackets < i2p::datagram::DATAGRAM_SEND_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE)
boost::system::error_code ec;
size_t moreBytes = m_LocalSocket->available (ec);
if (ec || !moreBytes) break;
transferred = m_LocalSocket->receive_from (boost::asio::buffer (m_RecvBuff, I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU), m_RecvEndpoint, 0, ec);
remotePort = m_RecvEndpoint.port ();
// TODO: check remotePort
m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->SendRawDatagram (session, m_RecvBuff, transferred, remotePort, RemotePort);
if (numPackets)
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Sent ", numPackets, " more packets to ", m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 ());
m_LocalDest->GetDatagramDestination ()->FlushSendQueue (session);
// mark convo as active
if (m_LastSession)
m_LastSession->second = ts;
RecvFromLocal ();
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > I2PUDPClientTunnel::GetSessions ()
// TODO: implement
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > infos;
return infos;
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::TryResolving ()
i2p::util::SetThreadName ("UDP Resolver");
LogPrint (eLogInfo, "UDP Tunnel: Trying to resolve ", m_RemoteDest);
std::shared_ptr<const Address> addr;
while (!(addr = context.GetAddressBook().GetAddress(m_RemoteDest)) && !m_cancel_resolve)
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "UDP Tunnel: Failed to lookup ", m_RemoteDest);
std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::seconds (1));
if (m_cancel_resolve)
LogPrint(eLogError, "UDP Tunnel: Lookup of ", m_RemoteDest, " was cancelled");
if (!addr || !addr->IsIdentHash ())
LogPrint (eLogError, "UDP Tunnel: ", m_RemoteDest, " not found");
m_RemoteIdent = new i2p::data::IdentHash;
*m_RemoteIdent = addr->identHash;
LogPrint(eLogInfo, "UDP Tunnel: Resolved ", m_RemoteDest, " to ", m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 ());
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2P (const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
if (m_RemoteIdent && from.GetIdentHash() == *m_RemoteIdent)
HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (fromPort, toPort, buf, len);
LogPrint(eLogWarning, "UDP Client: Unwarranted traffic from ", from.GetIdentHash().ToBase32 ());
void I2PUDPClientTunnel::HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len)
auto itr = m_Sessions.find (toPort);
// found convo ?
if (itr != m_Sessions.end ())
// found convo
if (len > 0)
LogPrint (eLogDebug, "UDP Client: Got ", len, "B from ", m_RemoteIdent ? m_RemoteIdent->ToBase32 () : "");
m_LocalSocket->send_to (boost::asio::buffer (buf, len), itr->second->first);
// mark convo as active
itr->second->second = i2p::util::GetMillisecondsSinceEpoch ();
LogPrint (eLogWarning, "UDP Client: Not tracking udp session using port ", (int) toPort);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013-2022, The PurpleI2P Project
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree
#ifndef UDPTUNNEL_H__
#define UDPTUNNEL_H__
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include "Identity.h"
#include "Destination.h"
#include "Datagram.h"
namespace i2p
namespace client
/** 2 minute timeout for udp sessions */
const uint64_t I2P_UDP_SESSION_TIMEOUT = 1000 * 60 * 2;
const uint64_t I2P_UDP_REPLIABLE_DATAGRAM_INTERVAL = 100; // in milliseconds
/** max size for i2p udp */
const size_t I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU = 64*1024;
struct UDPSession
i2p::datagram::DatagramDestination * m_Destination;
boost::asio::ip::udp::socket IPSocket;
i2p::data::IdentHash Identity;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint FromEndpoint;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint SendEndpoint;
uint64_t LastActivity;
uint16_t LocalPort;
uint16_t RemotePort;
uint8_t m_Buffer[I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU];
UDPSession(boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint,
const std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> & localDestination,
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint remote, const i2p::data::IdentHash * ident,
uint16_t ourPort, uint16_t theirPort);
void HandleReceived(const boost::system::error_code & ecode, std::size_t len);
void Receive();
/** read only info about a datagram session */
struct DatagramSessionInfo
/** the name of this forward */
std::string Name;
/** ident hash of local destination */
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentHash> LocalIdent;
/** ident hash of remote destination */
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentHash> RemoteIdent;
/** ident hash of IBGW in use currently in this session or nullptr if none is set */
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentHash> CurrentIBGW;
/** ident hash of OBEP in use for this session or nullptr if none is set */
std::shared_ptr<const i2p::data::IdentHash> CurrentOBEP;
/** i2p router's udp endpoint */
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint LocalEndpoint;
/** client's udp endpoint */
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint RemoteEndpoint;
/** how long has this converstation been idle in ms */
uint64_t idle;
typedef std::shared_ptr<UDPSession> UDPSessionPtr;
/** server side udp tunnel, many i2p inbound to 1 ip outbound */
class I2PUDPServerTunnel
I2PUDPServerTunnel (const std::string & name,
std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> localDestination,
boost::asio::ip::address localAddress,
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint forwardTo, uint16_t port, bool gzip);
~I2PUDPServerTunnel ();
/** expire stale udp conversations */
void ExpireStale (const uint64_t delta=I2P_UDP_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
void Start ();
void Stop ();
const char * GetName () const { return m_Name.c_str(); }
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > GetSessions ();
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> GetLocalDestination () const { return m_LocalDest; }
void SetUniqueLocal (bool isUniqueLocal = true) { m_IsUniqueLocal = isUniqueLocal; }
void HandleRecvFromI2P (const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len);
void HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len);
UDPSessionPtr ObtainUDPSession (const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t localPort, uint16_t remotePort);
bool m_IsUniqueLocal;
const std::string m_Name;
boost::asio::ip::address m_LocalAddress;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint m_RemoteEndpoint;
std::mutex m_SessionsMutex;
std::vector<UDPSessionPtr> m_Sessions;
std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> m_LocalDest;
UDPSessionPtr m_LastSession;
bool m_Gzip;
bool isUpdated; // transient, used during reload only
class I2PUDPClientTunnel
I2PUDPClientTunnel (const std::string & name, const std::string &remoteDest,
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint localEndpoint, std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> localDestination,
uint16_t remotePort, bool gzip);
~I2PUDPClientTunnel ();
void Start ();
void Stop ();
const char * GetName () const { return m_Name.c_str(); }
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DatagramSessionInfo> > GetSessions ();
bool IsLocalDestination (const i2p::data::IdentHash & destination) const { return destination == m_LocalDest->GetIdentHash(); }
std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> GetLocalDestination () const { return m_LocalDest; }
inline void SetLocalDestination (std::shared_ptr<ClientDestination> dest)
if (m_LocalDest) m_LocalDest->Release ();
if (dest) dest->Acquire ();
m_LocalDest = dest;
void ExpireStale (const uint64_t delta=I2P_UDP_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
typedef std::pair<boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint, uint64_t> UDPConvo;
void RecvFromLocal ();
void HandleRecvFromLocal (const boost::system::error_code & e, std::size_t transferred);
void HandleRecvFromI2P (const i2p::data::IdentityEx& from, uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len);
void HandleRecvFromI2PRaw (uint16_t fromPort, uint16_t toPort, const uint8_t * buf, size_t len);
void TryResolving ();
const std::string m_Name;
std::mutex m_SessionsMutex;
std::unordered_map<uint16_t, std::shared_ptr<UDPConvo> > m_Sessions; // maps i2p port -> local udp convo
const std::string m_RemoteDest;
std::shared_ptr<i2p::client::ClientDestination> m_LocalDest;
const boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint m_LocalEndpoint;
i2p::data::IdentHash * m_RemoteIdent;
std::thread * m_ResolveThread;
std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::ip::udp::socket> m_LocalSocket;
boost::asio::ip::udp::endpoint m_RecvEndpoint;
uint8_t m_RecvBuff[I2P_UDP_MAX_MTU];
uint16_t RemotePort, m_LastPort;
bool m_cancel_resolve;
bool m_Gzip;
std::shared_ptr<UDPConvo> m_LastSession;
bool isUpdated; // transient, used during reload only
Reference in a new issue