mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 00:59:08 +01:00
* HTTPServer.{cpp,h}: extract html-rendering methods from class
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 367 additions and 383 deletions
@ -230,6 +230,373 @@ namespace http {
{ "stats.i2p", "http://7tbay5p4kzeekxvyvbf6v7eauazemsnnl2aoyqhg5jzpr5eke7tq.b32.i2p/cgi-bin/jump.cgi?a=" },
void ShowStatus (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Uptime:</b> " << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string (
boost::posix_time::time_duration (boost::posix_time::seconds (
i2p::context.GetUptime ()))) << "<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Status:</b> ";
switch (i2p::context.GetStatus ())
case eRouterStatusOK: s << "OK"; break;
case eRouterStatusTesting: s << "Testing"; break;
case eRouterStatusFirewalled: s << "Firewalled"; break;
default: s << "Unknown";
s << "<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Tunnel creation success rate:</b> " << i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetTunnelCreationSuccessRate () << "%<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Received:</b> ";
s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);
auto numKBytesReceived = (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetTotalReceivedBytes () / 1024;
if (numKBytesReceived < 1024)
s << numKBytesReceived << " KiB";
else if (numKBytesReceived < 1024 * 1024)
s << numKBytesReceived / 1024 << " MiB";
s << numKBytesReceived / 1024 / 1024 << " GiB";
s << " (" << (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetInBandwidth () / 1024 << " KiB/s)<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Sent:</b> ";
auto numKBytesSent = (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetTotalSentBytes () / 1024;
if (numKBytesSent < 1024)
s << numKBytesSent << " KiB";
else if (numKBytesSent < 1024 * 1024)
s << numKBytesSent / 1024 << " MiB";
s << numKBytesSent / 1024 / 1024 << " GiB";
s << " (" << (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetOutBandwidth () / 1024 << " KiB/s)<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Data path:</b> " << i2p::fs::GetDataDir() << "<br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Our external address:</b>" << "<br>\r\n" ;
for (auto address : i2p::context.GetRouterInfo().GetAddresses())
switch (address->transportStyle)
case i2p::data::RouterInfo::eTransportNTCP:
if (address->host.is_v6 ())
s << "NTCP6 ";
s << "NTCP ";
case i2p::data::RouterInfo::eTransportSSU:
if (address->host.is_v6 ())
s << "SSU6 ";
s << "SSU ";
s << "Unknown ";
s << address->host.to_string() << ":" << address->port << "<br>\r\n";
s << "<br>\r\n<b>Routers:</b> " << i2p::data::netdb.GetNumRouters () << " ";
s << "<b>Floodfills:</b> " << i2p::data::netdb.GetNumFloodfills () << " ";
s << "<b>LeaseSets:</b> " << i2p::data::netdb.GetNumLeaseSets () << "<br>\r\n";
size_t clientTunnelCount = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CountOutboundTunnels();
clientTunnelCount += i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CountInboundTunnels();
size_t transitTunnelCount = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CountTransitTunnels();
s << "<b>Client Tunnels:</b> " << std::to_string(clientTunnelCount) << " ";
s << "<b>Transit Tunnels:</b> " << std::to_string(transitTunnelCount) << "<br>\r\n";
void ShowJumpServices (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& address)
s << "<form type=\"GET\" action=\"/\">";
s << "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"jumpservices\">";
s << "<input type=\"text\" name=\"address\" value=\"" << address << "\">";
s << "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\">";
s << "</form><br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Jump services for " << address << "</b>\r\n<ul>\r\n";
for (auto & js : jumpservices) {
s << " <li><a href=\"" << js.second << address << "\">" << js.first << "</a></li>\r\n";
s << "</ul>\r\n";
void ShowLocalDestinations (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Local Destinations:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
for (auto& it: i2p::client::context.GetDestinations ())
auto ident = it.second->GetIdentHash ();;
s << "<a href=/?page=" << HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATION << "&b32=" << ident.ToBase32 () << ">";
s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident) << "</a><br>\r\n" << std::endl;
void ShowLocalDestination (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& b32)
s << "<b>Local Destination:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
i2p::data::IdentHash ident;
ident.FromBase32 (b32);
auto dest = i2p::client::context.FindLocalDestination (ident);
if (dest)
s << "<b>Base64:</b><br>\r\n<textarea readonly=\"readonly\" cols=\"64\" rows=\"11\" wrap=\"on\">";
s << dest->GetIdentity ()->ToBase64 () << "</textarea><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>LeaseSets:</b> <i>" << dest->GetNumRemoteLeaseSets () << "</i><br>\r\n";
auto pool = dest->GetTunnelPool ();
if (pool)
s << "<b>Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n";
for (auto it: pool->GetOutboundTunnels ())
it->Print (s);
auto state = it->GetState ();
if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateFailed)
s << " " << "Failed";
else if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateExpiring)
s << " " << "Exp";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
for (auto it: pool->GetInboundTunnels ())
it->Print (s);
auto state = it->GetState ();
if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateFailed)
s << " " << "Failed";
else if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateExpiring)
s << " " << "Exp";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
s << "<b>Tags</b><br>Incoming: " << dest->GetNumIncomingTags () << "<br>Outgoing:<br>" << std::endl;
for (auto it: dest->GetSessions ())
s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(it.first) << " ";
s << it.second->GetNumOutgoingTags () << "<br>" << std::endl;
s << "<br>" << std::endl;
// s << "<br>\r\n<b>Streams:</b><br>\r\n";
// for (auto it: dest->GetStreamingDestination ()->GetStreams ())
// {
// s << it.first << "->" << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(it.second->GetRemoteIdentity ()) << " ";
// s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]";
// s << " [out:" << it.second->GetSendQueueSize () << "][in:" << it.second->GetReceiveQueueSize () << "]";
// s << "[buf:" << it.second->GetSendBufferSize () << "]";
// s << "[RTT:" << it.second->GetRTT () << "]";
// s << "[Window:" << it.second->GetWindowSize () << "]";
// s << "[Status:" << (int)it.second->GetStatus () << "]";
// s << "<br>\r\n"<< std::endl;
// }
s << "<br>\r\n<table><caption>Streams</caption><tr>";
s << "<th>StreamID</th>";
s << "<th>Destination</th>";
s << "<th>Sent</th>";
s << "<th>Received</th>";
s << "<th>Out</th>";
s << "<th>In</th>";
s << "<th>Buf</th>";
s << "<th>RTT</th>";
s << "<th>Window</th>";
s << "<th>Status</th>";
s << "</tr>";
for (auto it: dest->GetAllStreams ())
s << "<tr>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetSendStreamID () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(it->GetRemoteIdentity ()) << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetNumSentBytes () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetSendQueueSize () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetReceiveQueueSize () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetSendBufferSize () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetRTT () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetWindowSize () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << (int)it->GetStatus () << "</td>";
s << "</tr><br>\r\n" << std::endl;
void ShowTunnels (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Queue size:</b> " << i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetQueueSize () << "<br>\r\n";
for (auto it: i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetOutboundTunnels ())
it->Print (s);
auto state = it->GetState ();
if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateFailed)
s << "<span class=\"tunnel failed\"> " << "Failed</span>";
else if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateExpiring)
s << "<span class=\"tunnel expiring\"> " << "Expiring</span>";
s << " " << (int)it->GetNumSentBytes () << "<br>\r\n";
s << std::endl;
for (auto it: i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetInboundTunnels ())
it->Print (s);
auto state = it->GetState ();
if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateFailed)
s << "<span class=\"tunnel failed\"> " << "Failed</span>";
else if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateExpiring)
s << "<span class=\"tunnel expiring\"> " << "Expiring</span>";
s << " " << (int)it->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "<br>\r\n";
s << std::endl;
void ShowTransitTunnels (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Transit tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
for (auto it: i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetTransitTunnels ())
if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<i2p::tunnel::TransitTunnelGateway>(it))
s << it->GetTunnelID () << " ⇒ ";
else if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<i2p::tunnel::TransitTunnelEndpoint>(it))
s << " ⇒ " << it->GetTunnelID ();
s << " ⇒ " << it->GetTunnelID () << " ⇒ ";
s << " " << it->GetNumTransmittedBytes () << "<br>\r\n";
void ShowTransports (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Transports:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
auto ntcpServer = i2p::transport::transports.GetNTCPServer ();
if (ntcpServer)
s << "<b>NTCP</b><br>\r\n";
for (auto it: ntcpServer->GetNTCPSessions ())
if (it.second && it.second->IsEstablished ())
// incoming connection doesn't have remote RI
if (it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << i2p::data::GetIdentHashAbbreviation (it.second->GetRemoteIdentity ()->GetIdentHash ()) << ": "
<< it.second->GetSocket ().remote_endpoint().address ().to_string ();
if (!it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
auto ssuServer = i2p::transport::transports.GetSSUServer ();
if (ssuServer)
s << "<br>\r\n<b>SSU</b><br>\r\n";
for (auto it: ssuServer->GetSessions ())
auto endpoint = it.second->GetRemoteEndpoint ();
if (it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << endpoint.address ().to_string () << ":" << endpoint.port ();
if (!it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]";
if (it.second->GetRelayTag ())
s << " [itag:" << it.second->GetRelayTag () << "]";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
s << "<br>\r\n<b>SSU6</b><br>\r\n";
for (auto it: ssuServer->GetSessionsV6 ())
auto endpoint = it.second->GetRemoteEndpoint ();
if (it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << endpoint.address ().to_string () << ":" << endpoint.port ();
if (!it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
void ShowSAMSessions (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>SAM Sessions:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
auto sam = i2p::client::context.GetSAMBridge ();
if (sam)
for (auto& it: sam->GetSessions ())
s << "<a href=/?page=" << HTTP_PAGE_SAM_SESSION << "&sam_id=" << it.first << ">";
s << it.first << "</a><br>\r\n" << std::endl;
void ShowSAMSession (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& id)
s << "<b>SAM Session:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
auto sam = i2p::client::context.GetSAMBridge ();
if (sam)
auto session = sam->FindSession (id);
if (session)
auto& ident = session->localDestination->GetIdentHash();
s << "<a href=/?page=" << HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATION << "&b32=" << ident.ToBase32 () << ">";
s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident) << "</a><br>\r\n" << std::endl;
s << "<b>Streams:</b><br>\r\n";
for (auto it: session->ListSockets())
switch (it->GetSocketType ())
case i2p::client::eSAMSocketTypeSession:
s << "session";
case i2p::client::eSAMSocketTypeStream:
s << "stream";
case i2p::client::eSAMSocketTypeAcceptor:
s << "acceptor";
s << "unknown";
s << " [" << it->GetSocket ().remote_endpoint() << "]";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
void ShowI2PTunnels (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Client Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
for (auto& it: i2p::client::context.GetClientTunnels ())
auto& ident = it.second->GetLocalDestination ()->GetIdentHash();
s << "<a href=/?page=" << HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATION << "&b32=" << ident.ToBase32 () << ">";
s << it.second->GetName () << "</a> ⇐ ";
s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident);
s << "<br>\r\n"<< std::endl;
s << "<br>\r\n<b>Server Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
for (auto& it: i2p::client::context.GetServerTunnels ())
auto& ident = it.second->GetLocalDestination ()->GetIdentHash();
s << "<a href=/?page=" << HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATION << "&b32=" << ident.ToBase32 () << ">";
s << it.second->GetName () << "</a> ⇒ ";
s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident);
s << ":" << it.second->GetLocalPort ();
s << "</a><br>\r\n"<< std::endl;
void StopAcceptingTunnels (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Stop Accepting Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
i2p::context.SetAcceptsTunnels (false);
s << "Accepting tunnels stopped" << std::endl;
void StartAcceptingTunnels (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Start Accepting Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
i2p::context.SetAcceptsTunnels (true);
s << "Accepting tunnels started" << std::endl;
void RunPeerTest (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Run Peer Test:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
i2p::transport::transports.PeerTest ();
s << "Peer test is running" << std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::Receive ()
m_Socket->async_read_some (boost::asio::buffer (m_Buffer, HTTP_CONNECTION_BUFFER_SIZE),
@ -323,75 +690,6 @@ namespace http {
SendReply (s.str ());
void HTTPConnection::ShowStatus (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Uptime:</b> " << boost::posix_time::to_simple_string (
boost::posix_time::time_duration (boost::posix_time::seconds (
i2p::context.GetUptime ()))) << "<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Status:</b> ";
switch (i2p::context.GetStatus ())
case eRouterStatusOK: s << "OK"; break;
case eRouterStatusTesting: s << "Testing"; break;
case eRouterStatusFirewalled: s << "Firewalled"; break;
default: s << "Unknown";
s << "<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Tunnel creation success rate:</b> " << i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetTunnelCreationSuccessRate () << "%<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Received:</b> ";
s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);
auto numKBytesReceived = (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetTotalReceivedBytes () / 1024;
if (numKBytesReceived < 1024)
s << numKBytesReceived << " KiB";
else if (numKBytesReceived < 1024 * 1024)
s << numKBytesReceived / 1024 << " MiB";
s << numKBytesReceived / 1024 / 1024 << " GiB";
s << " (" << (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetInBandwidth () / 1024 << " KiB/s)<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Sent:</b> ";
auto numKBytesSent = (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetTotalSentBytes () / 1024;
if (numKBytesSent < 1024)
s << numKBytesSent << " KiB";
else if (numKBytesSent < 1024 * 1024)
s << numKBytesSent / 1024 << " MiB";
s << numKBytesSent / 1024 / 1024 << " GiB";
s << " (" << (double) i2p::transport::transports.GetOutBandwidth () / 1024 << " KiB/s)<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Data path:</b> " << i2p::fs::GetDataDir() << "<br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Our external address:</b>" << "<br>\r\n" ;
for (auto address : i2p::context.GetRouterInfo().GetAddresses())
switch (address->transportStyle)
case i2p::data::RouterInfo::eTransportNTCP:
if (address->host.is_v6 ())
s << "NTCP6 ";
s << "NTCP ";
case i2p::data::RouterInfo::eTransportSSU:
if (address->host.is_v6 ())
s << "SSU6 ";
s << "SSU ";
s << "Unknown ";
s << address->host.to_string() << ":" << address->port << "<br>\r\n";
s << "<br>\r\n<b>Routers:</b> " << i2p::data::netdb.GetNumRouters () << " ";
s << "<b>Floodfills:</b> " << i2p::data::netdb.GetNumFloodfills () << " ";
s << "<b>LeaseSets:</b> " << i2p::data::netdb.GetNumLeaseSets () << "<br>\r\n";
size_t clientTunnelCount = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CountOutboundTunnels();
clientTunnelCount += i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CountInboundTunnels();
size_t transitTunnelCount = i2p::tunnel::tunnels.CountTransitTunnels();
s << "<b>Client Tunnels:</b> " << std::to_string(clientTunnelCount) << " ";
s << "<b>Transit Tunnels:</b> " << std::to_string(transitTunnelCount) << "<br>\r\n";
void HTTPConnection::HandlePage (std::stringstream& s, const std::string & uri)
std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
@ -444,304 +742,6 @@ namespace http {
SendError("Unknown command: " + cmd);
void HTTPConnection::ShowJumpServices (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& address)
s << "<form type=\"GET\" action=\"/\">";
s << "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"jumpservices\">";
s << "<input type=\"text\" name=\"address\" value=\"" << address << "\">";
s << "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\">";
s << "</form><br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Jump services for " << address << "</b>\r\n<ul>\r\n";
for (auto & js : jumpservices) {
s << " <li><a href=\"" << js.second << address << "\">" << js.first << "</a></li>\r\n";
s << "</ul>\r\n";
void HTTPConnection::ShowLocalDestinations (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Local Destinations:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
for (auto& it: i2p::client::context.GetDestinations ())
auto ident = it.second->GetIdentHash ();;
s << "<a href=/?page=" << HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATION << "&b32=" << ident.ToBase32 () << ">";
s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident) << "</a><br>\r\n" << std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::ShowLocalDestination (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& b32)
s << "<b>Local Destination:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
i2p::data::IdentHash ident;
ident.FromBase32 (b32);
auto dest = i2p::client::context.FindLocalDestination (ident);
if (dest)
s << "<b>Base64:</b><br>\r\n<textarea readonly=\"readonly\" cols=\"64\" rows=\"11\" wrap=\"on\">";
s << dest->GetIdentity ()->ToBase64 () << "</textarea><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>LeaseSets:</b> <i>" << dest->GetNumRemoteLeaseSets () << "</i><br>\r\n";
auto pool = dest->GetTunnelPool ();
if (pool)
s << "<b>Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n";
for (auto it: pool->GetOutboundTunnels ())
it->Print (s);
auto state = it->GetState ();
if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateFailed)
s << " " << "Failed";
else if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateExpiring)
s << " " << "Exp";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
for (auto it: pool->GetInboundTunnels ())
it->Print (s);
auto state = it->GetState ();
if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateFailed)
s << " " << "Failed";
else if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateExpiring)
s << " " << "Exp";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
s << "<b>Tags</b><br>Incoming: " << dest->GetNumIncomingTags () << "<br>Outgoing:<br>" << std::endl;
for (auto it: dest->GetSessions ())
s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(it.first) << " ";
s << it.second->GetNumOutgoingTags () << "<br>" << std::endl;
s << "<br>" << std::endl;
// s << "<br>\r\n<b>Streams:</b><br>\r\n";
// for (auto it: dest->GetStreamingDestination ()->GetStreams ())
// {
// s << it.first << "->" << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(it.second->GetRemoteIdentity ()) << " ";
// s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]";
// s << " [out:" << it.second->GetSendQueueSize () << "][in:" << it.second->GetReceiveQueueSize () << "]";
// s << "[buf:" << it.second->GetSendBufferSize () << "]";
// s << "[RTT:" << it.second->GetRTT () << "]";
// s << "[Window:" << it.second->GetWindowSize () << "]";
// s << "[Status:" << (int)it.second->GetStatus () << "]";
// s << "<br>\r\n"<< std::endl;
// }
s << "<br>\r\n<table><caption>Streams</caption><tr>";
s << "<th>StreamID</th>";
s << "<th>Destination</th>";
s << "<th>Sent</th>";
s << "<th>Received</th>";
s << "<th>Out</th>";
s << "<th>In</th>";
s << "<th>Buf</th>";
s << "<th>RTT</th>";
s << "<th>Window</th>";
s << "<th>Status</th>";
s << "</tr>";
for (auto it: dest->GetAllStreams ())
s << "<tr>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetSendStreamID () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(it->GetRemoteIdentity ()) << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetNumSentBytes () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetSendQueueSize () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetReceiveQueueSize () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetSendBufferSize () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetRTT () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << it->GetWindowSize () << "</td>";
s << "<td>" << (int)it->GetStatus () << "</td>";
s << "</tr><br>\r\n" << std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::ShowTunnels (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
s << "<b>Queue size:</b> " << i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetQueueSize () << "<br>\r\n";
for (auto it: i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetOutboundTunnels ())
it->Print (s);
auto state = it->GetState ();
if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateFailed)
s << "<span class=\"tunnel failed\"> " << "Failed</span>";
else if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateExpiring)
s << "<span class=\"tunnel expiring\"> " << "Expiring</span>";
s << " " << (int)it->GetNumSentBytes () << "<br>\r\n";
s << std::endl;
for (auto it: i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetInboundTunnels ())
it->Print (s);
auto state = it->GetState ();
if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateFailed)
s << "<span class=\"tunnel failed\"> " << "Failed</span>";
else if (state == i2p::tunnel::eTunnelStateExpiring)
s << "<span class=\"tunnel expiring\"> " << "Expiring</span>";
s << " " << (int)it->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "<br>\r\n";
s << std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::ShowTransitTunnels (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Transit tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
for (auto it: i2p::tunnel::tunnels.GetTransitTunnels ())
if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<i2p::tunnel::TransitTunnelGateway>(it))
s << it->GetTunnelID () << " ⇒ ";
else if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast<i2p::tunnel::TransitTunnelEndpoint>(it))
s << " ⇒ " << it->GetTunnelID ();
s << " ⇒ " << it->GetTunnelID () << " ⇒ ";
s << " " << it->GetNumTransmittedBytes () << "<br>\r\n";
void HTTPConnection::ShowTransports (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Transports:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
auto ntcpServer = i2p::transport::transports.GetNTCPServer ();
if (ntcpServer)
s << "<b>NTCP</b><br>\r\n";
for (auto it: ntcpServer->GetNTCPSessions ())
if (it.second && it.second->IsEstablished ())
// incoming connection doesn't have remote RI
if (it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << i2p::data::GetIdentHashAbbreviation (it.second->GetRemoteIdentity ()->GetIdentHash ()) << ": "
<< it.second->GetSocket ().remote_endpoint().address ().to_string ();
if (!it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
auto ssuServer = i2p::transport::transports.GetSSUServer ();
if (ssuServer)
s << "<br>\r\n<b>SSU</b><br>\r\n";
for (auto it: ssuServer->GetSessions ())
auto endpoint = it.second->GetRemoteEndpoint ();
if (it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << endpoint.address ().to_string () << ":" << endpoint.port ();
if (!it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]";
if (it.second->GetRelayTag ())
s << " [itag:" << it.second->GetRelayTag () << "]";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
s << "<br>\r\n<b>SSU6</b><br>\r\n";
for (auto it: ssuServer->GetSessionsV6 ())
auto endpoint = it.second->GetRemoteEndpoint ();
if (it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << endpoint.address ().to_string () << ":" << endpoint.port ();
if (!it.second->IsOutgoing ()) s << " ⇒ ";
s << " [" << it.second->GetNumSentBytes () << ":" << it.second->GetNumReceivedBytes () << "]";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::ShowSAMSessions (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>SAM Sessions:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
auto sam = i2p::client::context.GetSAMBridge ();
if (sam)
for (auto& it: sam->GetSessions ())
s << "<a href=/?page=" << HTTP_PAGE_SAM_SESSION << "&sam_id=" << it.first << ">";
s << it.first << "</a><br>\r\n" << std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::ShowSAMSession (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& id)
s << "<b>SAM Session:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
auto sam = i2p::client::context.GetSAMBridge ();
if (sam)
auto session = sam->FindSession (id);
if (session)
auto& ident = session->localDestination->GetIdentHash();
s << "<a href=/?page=" << HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATION << "&b32=" << ident.ToBase32 () << ">";
s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident) << "</a><br>\r\n" << std::endl;
s << "<b>Streams:</b><br>\r\n";
for (auto it: session->ListSockets())
switch (it->GetSocketType ())
case i2p::client::eSAMSocketTypeSession:
s << "session";
case i2p::client::eSAMSocketTypeStream:
s << "stream";
case i2p::client::eSAMSocketTypeAcceptor:
s << "acceptor";
s << "unknown";
s << " [" << it->GetSocket ().remote_endpoint() << "]";
s << "<br>\r\n" << std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::ShowI2PTunnels (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Client Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
for (auto& it: i2p::client::context.GetClientTunnels ())
auto& ident = it.second->GetLocalDestination ()->GetIdentHash();
s << "<a href=/?page=" << HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATION << "&b32=" << ident.ToBase32 () << ">";
s << it.second->GetName () << "</a> ⇐ ";
s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident);
s << "<br>\r\n"<< std::endl;
s << "<br>\r\n<b>Server Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
for (auto& it: i2p::client::context.GetServerTunnels ())
auto& ident = it.second->GetLocalDestination ()->GetIdentHash();
s << "<a href=/?page=" << HTTP_PAGE_LOCAL_DESTINATION << "&b32=" << ident.ToBase32 () << ">";
s << it.second->GetName () << "</a> ⇒ ";
s << i2p::client::context.GetAddressBook ().ToAddress(ident);
s << ":" << it.second->GetLocalPort ();
s << "</a><br>\r\n"<< std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::StopAcceptingTunnels (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Stop Accepting Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
i2p::context.SetAcceptsTunnels (false);
s << "Accepting tunnels stopped" << std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::StartAcceptingTunnels (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Start Accepting Tunnels:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
i2p::context.SetAcceptsTunnels (true);
s << "Accepting tunnels started" << std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::RunPeerTest (std::stringstream& s)
s << "<b>Run Peer Test:</b><br>\r\n<br>\r\n";
i2p::transport::transports.PeerTest ();
s << "Peer test is running" << std::endl;
void HTTPConnection::SendReply (const std::string& content, int code)
std::time_t time_now = std::time(nullptr);
@ -29,22 +29,6 @@ namespace http {
void HandlePage (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& request);
void HandleCommand (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& request);
/* pages */
void ShowJumpServices (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& address);
void ShowTransports (std::stringstream& s);
void ShowTunnels (std::stringstream& s);
void ShowStatus (std::stringstream& s);
void ShowTransitTunnels (std::stringstream& s);
void ShowLocalDestinations (std::stringstream& s);
void ShowLocalDestination (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& b32);
void ShowSAMSessions (std::stringstream& s);
void ShowSAMSession (std::stringstream& s, const std::string& id);
void ShowI2PTunnels (std::stringstream& s);
/* commands */
void StartAcceptingTunnels (std::stringstream& s);
void StopAcceptingTunnels (std::stringstream& s);
void RunPeerTest (std::stringstream& s);
std::shared_ptr<boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket> m_Socket;
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