2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
2025-03-14 14:46:24 -04:00
* Copyright ( c ) 2022 - 2025 , The PurpleI2P Project
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
* This file is part of Purple i2pd project and licensed under BSD3
* See full license text in LICENSE file at top of project tree
# include <map>
# include <vector>
# include <string>
# include <memory>
# include "I18N.h"
// German localization file
namespace i2p
namespace i18n
namespace german // language namespace
// language name in lowercase
static std : : string language = " german " ;
// See for language plural forms here:
// https://localization-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/l10n/pluralforms.html
static int plural ( int n ) {
return n ! = 1 ? 1 : 0 ;
2025-03-14 14:46:24 -04:00
static const LocaleStrings strings
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
2023-01-18 07:21:36 +03:00
{ " %.2f KiB " , " %.2f KiB " } ,
{ " %.2f MiB " , " %.2f MiB " } ,
{ " %.2f GiB " , " %.2f GiB " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " building " , " In Bau " } ,
{ " failed " , " fehlgeschlagen " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " expiring " , " läuft ab " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " established " , " hergestellt " } ,
{ " unknown " , " Unbekannt " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " exploratory " , " erforschend " } ,
2022-11-20 08:16:00 +03:00
{ " Purple I2P Webconsole " , " Purple I2P-Webkonsole " } ,
2022-07-19 21:57:17 +02:00
{ " <b>i2pd</b> webconsole " , " <b>i2pd</b>-Webkonsole " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Main page " , " Startseite " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Router commands " , " Routerbefehle " } ,
{ " Local Destinations " , " Lokale Ziele " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " LeaseSets " , " LeaseSets " } ,
{ " Tunnels " , " Tunnel " } ,
{ " Transit Tunnels " , " Transittunnel " } ,
{ " Transports " , " Transporte " } ,
2022-11-20 08:16:00 +03:00
{ " I2P tunnels " , " I2P Tunnel " } ,
{ " SAM sessions " , " SAM Sitzungen " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " ERROR " , " FEHLER " } ,
{ " OK " , " OK " } ,
{ " Testing " , " Testen " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Firewalled " , " Hinter einer Firewall " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Unknown " , " Unbekannt " } ,
{ " Proxy " , " Proxy " } ,
{ " Mesh " , " Mesh " } ,
2022-01-23 03:17:49 +03:00
{ " Clock skew " , " Zeitabweichung " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Offline " , " Offline " } ,
{ " Symmetric NAT " , " Symmetrisches NAT " } ,
2023-03-11 21:53:11 +00:00
{ " No Descriptors " , " Keine Beschreibungen " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Uptime " , " Laufzeit " } ,
{ " Network status " , " Netzwerkstatus " } ,
{ " Network status v6 " , " Netzwerkstatus v6 " } ,
{ " Stopping in " , " Stoppt in " } ,
{ " Family " , " Familie " } ,
2022-07-19 21:57:17 +02:00
{ " Tunnel creation success rate " , " Erfolgsrate der Tunnelerstellung " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Received " , " Eingegangen " } ,
2023-01-18 07:21:36 +03:00
{ " %.2f KiB/s " , " %.2f KiB/s " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Sent " , " Gesendet " } ,
{ " Transit " , " Transit " } ,
{ " Data path " , " Datenpfad " } ,
2022-01-23 03:17:49 +03:00
{ " Hidden content. Press on text to see. " , " Versteckter Inhalt. Klicke hier, um ihn zu sehen. " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Router Ident " , " Routeridentität " } ,
{ " Router Family " , " Routerfamilie " } ,
{ " Router Caps " , " Routerattribute " } ,
{ " Version " , " Version " } ,
{ " Our external address " , " Unsere externe Adresse " } ,
{ " supported " , " unterstützt " } ,
{ " Routers " , " Router " } ,
{ " Floodfills " , " Floodfills " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Client Tunnels " , " Clienttunnel " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Services " , " Services " } ,
{ " Enabled " , " Aktiviert " } ,
{ " Disabled " , " Deaktiviert " } ,
2022-07-19 21:57:17 +02:00
{ " Encrypted B33 address " , " Verschlüsselte B33-Adresse " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Address registration line " , " Adressregistrierungszeile " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Domain " , " Domain " } ,
{ " Generate " , " Generieren " } ,
2022-07-19 21:57:17 +02:00
{ " <b>Note:</b> result string can be used only for registering 2LD domains (example.i2p). For registering subdomains please use i2pd-tools. " , " <b>Hinweis:</b> Der resultierende String kann nur für die Registrierung einer 2LD-Domain (beispiel.i2p) benutzt werden. Für die Registrierung von Subdomains kann i2pd-tools verwendet werden. " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Address " , " Adresse " } ,
{ " Type " , " Typ " } ,
{ " EncType " , " Verschlüsselungstyp " } ,
{ " Inbound tunnels " , " Eingehende Tunnel " } ,
2023-01-18 07:21:36 +03:00
{ " %dms " , " %dms " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Outbound tunnels " , " Ausgehende Tunnel " } ,
{ " Tags " , " Tags " } ,
{ " Incoming " , " Eingehend " } ,
{ " Outgoing " , " Ausgehend " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Destination " , " Ziel " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Amount " , " Anzahl " } ,
{ " Incoming Tags " , " Eingehende Tags " } ,
2022-07-19 21:57:17 +02:00
{ " Tags sessions " , " Tags-Sitzungen " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Status " , " Status " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Local Destination " , " Lokales Ziel " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Streams " , " Streams " } ,
{ " Close stream " , " Stream schließen " } ,
2022-07-19 21:57:17 +02:00
{ " I2CP session not found " , " I2CP-Sitzung nicht gefunden " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " I2CP is not enabled " , " I2CP ist nicht aktiviert " } ,
{ " Invalid " , " Ungültig " } ,
{ " Store type " , " Speichertyp " } ,
{ " Expires " , " Ablaufdatum " } ,
{ " Non Expired Leases " , " Nicht abgelaufene Leases " } ,
{ " Gateway " , " Gateway " } ,
{ " TunnelID " , " TunnelID " } ,
{ " EndDate " , " Enddatum " } ,
2023-03-11 21:53:11 +00:00
{ " floodfill mode is disabled " , " Floodfill Modus ist deaktiviert " } ,
2022-07-19 21:57:17 +02:00
{ " Queue size " , " Größe der Warteschlange " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Run peer test " , " Peer-Test durchführen " } ,
2023-03-11 21:53:11 +00:00
{ " Reload tunnels configuration " , " Tunnel Konfiguration neu laden " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Decline transit tunnels " , " Transittunnel ablehnen " } ,
{ " Accept transit tunnels " , " Transittunnel akzeptieren " } ,
2022-07-19 21:57:17 +02:00
{ " Cancel graceful shutdown " , " Beende das kontrollierte Herunterfahren " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Start graceful shutdown " , " Starte das kontrollierte Herunterfahren " } ,
{ " Force shutdown " , " Herunterfahren erzwingen " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Reload external CSS styles " , " Lade externe CSS-Stile neu " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " <b>Note:</b> any action done here are not persistent and not changes your config files. " , " <b>Hinweis:</b> Alle hier durchgeführten Aktionen sind nicht dauerhaft und ändern die Konfigurationsdateien nicht. " } ,
{ " Logging level " , " Protokollierungslevel " } ,
{ " Transit tunnels limit " , " Limit für Transittunnel " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Change " , " Ändern " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Change language " , " Sprache ändern " } ,
{ " no transit tunnels currently built " , " derzeit keine Transittunnel aufgebaut " } ,
{ " SAM disabled " , " SAM deaktiviert " } ,
{ " no sessions currently running " , " Derzeit keine laufenden Sitzungen " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " SAM session not found " , " SAM-Sitzung nicht gefunden " } ,
{ " SAM Session " , " SAM-Sitzung " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Server Tunnels " , " Servertunnel " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Client Forwards " , " Client-Weiterleitungen " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Server Forwards " , " Server-Weiterleitungen " } ,
{ " Unknown page " , " Unbekannte Seite " } ,
{ " Invalid token " , " Ungültiger Token " } ,
{ " Stream closed " , " Stream geschlossen " } ,
{ " Stream not found or already was closed " , " Stream nicht gefunden oder bereits geschlossen " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Destination not found " , " Ziel nicht gefunden " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " StreamID can't be null " , " StreamID kann nicht null sein " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Return to destination page " , " Zurück zur Ziel-Seite " } ,
2023-03-11 21:53:11 +00:00
{ " You will be redirected in %d seconds " , " Du wirst umgeleitet in %d Sekunden " } ,
{ " Transit tunnels count must not exceed %d " , " Die Anzahl der Transittunnel darf nicht über %d gehen " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Back to commands list " , " Zurück zur Befehlsliste " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Register at reg.i2p " , " Auf reg.i2p registrieren " } ,
{ " Description " , " Beschreibung " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " A bit information about service on domain " , " Ein paar Informationen über den Service auf der Domain " } ,
{ " Submit " , " Absenden " } ,
{ " Domain can't end with .b32.i2p " , " Domain kann nicht auf .b32.i2p enden " } ,
{ " Domain must end with .i2p " , " Domain muss auf .i2p enden " } ,
{ " Such destination is not found " , " Ein solches Ziel konnte nicht gefunden werden " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Unknown command " , " Unbekannter Befehl " } ,
{ " Command accepted " , " Befehl akzeptiert " } ,
{ " Proxy error " , " Proxy-Fehler " } ,
{ " Proxy info " , " Proxy-Info " } ,
{ " Proxy error: Host not found " , " Proxy-Fehler: Host nicht gefunden " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Remote host not found in router's addressbook " , " Remote-Host nicht im Router-Adressbuch gefunden " } ,
{ " You may try to find this host on jump services below " , " Vielleicht kannst du diesen Host auf einem der nachfolgenden Jump-Services finden " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Invalid request " , " Ungültige Anfrage " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Proxy unable to parse your request " , " Proxy konnte die Anfrage nicht verarbeiten " } ,
2023-03-11 21:53:11 +00:00
{ " Addresshelper is not supported " , " Adresshelfer wird nicht unterstützt " } ,
{ " Host %s is <font color=red>already in router's addressbook</font>. <b>Be careful: source of this URL may be harmful!</b> Click here to update record: <a href= \" %s%s%s&update=true \" >Continue</a>. " , " Host %s ist <font color=red>bereits im Adressbuch des Routers</font>. <b>Vorsicht: Die Quelle dieser URL kann schädlich sein!</b> Klicken Sie hier, um den Datensatz zu aktualisieren: <a href= \" %s%s%s&update=true \" >Weiter</a>. " } ,
{ " Addresshelper forced update rejected " , " Adresshelfer gezwungene Aktualisierung abgelehnt " } ,
{ " To add host <b>%s</b> in router's addressbook, click here: <a href= \" %s%s%s \" >Continue</a>. " , " Um den Host <b>%s</b> im Adressbuch des Routers hinzuzufügen, klicken Sie hier: <a href= \" %s%s%s \" >Weiter</a>. " } ,
{ " Addresshelper request " , " Adresshelfer gefunden " } ,
{ " Host %s added to router's addressbook from helper. Click here to proceed: <a href= \" %s \" >Continue</a>. " , " Host %s wurde vom Helfer zum Adressbuch des Routers hinzugefügt. Klicken Sie hier, um fortzufahren: <a href= \" %s \" >Weiter</a>. " } ,
{ " Addresshelper adding " , " Adresshelfer hinzufügen " } ,
{ " Host %s is <font color=red>already in router's addressbook</font>. Click here to update record: <a href= \" %s%s%s&update=true \" >Continue</a>. " , " Host %s ist <font color=red>bereits im Adressbuch des Routers</font>. Klicken Sie hier, um den Eintrag zu aktualisieren: <a href= \" %s%s%s&update=true \" >Weiter</a>. " } ,
{ " Addresshelper update " , " Adresshelfer aktualisieren " } ,
2023-02-16 00:42:31 +03:00
{ " Invalid request URI " , " Ungültige Anfrage-URI " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Can't detect destination host from request " , " Kann den Ziel-Host von der Anfrage nicht erkennen " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Outproxy failure " , " Outproxy-Fehler " } ,
2023-02-16 00:42:31 +03:00
{ " Bad outproxy settings " , " Ungültige Outproxy-Einstellungen " } ,
{ " Host %s is not inside I2P network, but outproxy is not enabled " , " Host %s außerhalb des I2P-Netzwerks, aber Outproxy ist nicht aktiviert " } ,
{ " Unknown outproxy URL " , " Unbekannte Outproxy-URL " } ,
{ " Cannot resolve upstream proxy " , " Kann den Upstream-Proxy nicht auflösen " } ,
{ " Hostname is too long " , " Hostname zu lang " } ,
{ " Cannot connect to upstream SOCKS proxy " , " Kann keine Verbindung zum Upstream-SOCKS-Proxy herstellen " } ,
{ " Cannot negotiate with SOCKS proxy " , " Kann nicht mit SOCKS-Proxy verhandeln " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " CONNECT error " , " CONNECT-Fehler " } ,
2023-02-16 00:42:31 +03:00
{ " Failed to connect " , " Verbindung konnte nicht hergestellt werden " } ,
{ " SOCKS proxy error " , " SOCKS-Proxy-Fehler " } ,
{ " Failed to send request to upstream " , " Anfrage an den Upstream zu senden ist gescheitert " } ,
{ " No reply from SOCKS proxy " , " Keine Antwort vom SOCKS-Proxy " } ,
{ " Cannot connect " , " Kann nicht verbinden " } ,
{ " HTTP out proxy not implemented " , " HTTP-Outproxy nicht implementiert " } ,
{ " Cannot connect to upstream HTTP proxy " , " Kann nicht zu Upstream-HTTP-Proxy verbinden " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " Host is down " , " Host ist offline " } ,
2022-07-16 19:45:22 +02:00
{ " Can't create connection to requested host, it may be down. Please try again later. " , " Konnte keine Verbindung zum angefragten Host aufbauen, vielleicht ist er offline. Versuche es später noch mal. " } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " " , " " } ,
} ;
static std : : map < std : : string , std : : vector < std : : string > > plurals
2023-01-18 07:21:36 +03:00
{ " %d days " , { " %d Tag " , " %d Tage " } } ,
{ " %d hours " , { " %d Stunde " , " %d Stunden " } } ,
{ " %d minutes " , { " %d Minute " , " %d Minuten " } } ,
{ " %d seconds " , { " %d Sekunde " , " %d Sekunden " } } ,
2022-01-09 23:42:13 +03:00
{ " " , { " " , " " } } ,
} ;
std : : shared_ptr < const i2p : : i18n : : Locale > GetLocale ( )
return std : : make_shared < i2p : : i18n : : Locale > ( language , strings , plurals , [ ] ( int n ) - > int { return plural ( n ) ; } ) ;
} // language
} // i18n
} // i2p