#include "vanity.hpp" #define CPU_ONLY static bool check_prefix(const char * buf){ unsigned short size_str=0; while(*buf) { if( *buf < 48 || (*buf > 57 && *buf < 65) || (*buf > 64 && *buf < 94) || *buf > 125 || size_str > 52 )return false; size_str++; *buf++; } return true; } static size_t ByteStreamToBase32 (const uint8_t * inBuf, size_t len, char * outBuf, size_t outLen) { size_t ret = 0, pos = 1; int bits = 8, tmp = inBuf[0]; while (ret < outLen && (bits > 0 || pos < len)) { if (bits < 5) { if (pos < len) { tmp <<= 8; tmp |= inBuf[pos] & 0xFF; pos++; bits += 8; } else // last byte { tmp <<= (5 - bits); bits = 5; } } bits -= 5; int ind = (tmp >> bits) & 0x1F; outBuf[ret] = (ind < 26) ? (ind + 'a') : ((ind - 26) + '2'); ret++; } outBuf[ret]='\0'; return ret; } static inline bool NotThat(const char * a, const char *b){ while(*b) if(*a++!=*b++) return true; return false; } #ifdef CPU_ONLY static inline bool thread_find(uint8_t * buf,const char * prefix,int id_thread,unsigned long long throughput){ /* Thanks to orignal ^-^ For idea and example ^-^ Orignal is sensei of crypto ;) */ std::cout << "Thread " << id_thread << " binded" << std::endl; #ifdef MODES uint8_t b[391] __attribute__((__mode__(SI))); // 4 byte == 32 bits, not usefull. i think. #else uint8_t b[391]; #endif uint8_t b[391] __attribute__((aligned(4))); memcpy (b, buf, 391); int len = strlen (prefix); SHA256_CTX ctx, ctx1; SHA256_Init(&ctx); SHA256_Update(&ctx, b, MutateByte); uint32_t * nonce = (uint32_t *)(b+MutateByte); // in nonce copy of MutateByte of b; (*nonce)+=id_thread*throughput; uint8_t hash[32]; char addr[53]; while(throughput-- and !found){ memcpy (&ctx1, &ctx, sizeof (SHA256_CTX)); SHA256_Update(&ctx1, b + MutateByte, 71); SHA256_Final(hash, &ctx1); ByteStreamToBase32 (hash, 32, addr, len); if( !NotThat(addr,prefix) ){ ByteStreamToBase32 (hash, 32, addr, 52); std::cout << "Address found " << addr << " in " << id_thread << std::endl; found=true; FoundNonce=*nonce; return true; } (*nonce)++; hashescounter++; if (found) break; }//while } #endif int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { if ( argc < 3 ) { std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " filename generatestring " << std::endl; return 0; } if(!check_prefix(argv[2])){ std::cout << "Not correct prefix" << std::endl; return 0; } i2p::crypto::InitCrypto (false); type = i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA_SHA512_ED25519; if ( argc > 3 ) type = NameToSigType(std::string(argv[3])); /////////////// //For while if(type != i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA_SHA512_ED25519){ std::cout << "For a while only ED25519-SHA512" << std::endl; return 0; } /////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// auto keys = i2p::data::PrivateKeys::CreateRandomKeys (type); switch(type){ case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_DSA_SHA1: case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA512_P521: case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_RSA_SHA256_2048: case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_RSA_SHA384_3072: case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_RSA_SHA512_4096: case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_GOSTR3410_TC26_A_512_GOSTR3411_512: case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_GOSTR3410_TC26_A_512_GOSTR3411_512_TEST: std::cout << "Sorry, i don't can generate adress for this signature type" << std::endl; return 0; break; } switch(type){ case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA256_P256: break; case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA384_P384: break; case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_ECDSA_SHA512_P521: break; case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_RSA_SHA256_2048: break; case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_RSA_SHA384_3072: break; case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_RSA_SHA512_4096: break; case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_EDDSA_SHA512_ED25519: MutateByte=320; break; case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_GOSTR3410_CRYPTO_PRO_A_GOSTR3411_256: case i2p::data::SIGNING_KEY_TYPE_GOSTR3410_CRYPTO_PRO_A_GOSTR3411_256_TEST: break; } KeyBuf = new uint8_t[keys.GetFullLen()]; keys.ToBuffer (KeyBuf, keys.GetFullLen ()); if(!count_cpu) count_cpu = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); std::cout << "Start vanity generator in " << (int)count_cpu << " threads" << std::endl; unsigned short attempts = 0; while(!found) unsigned int count_cpu = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); std::vector threads(count_cpu); std::cout << "Start vanity generator in " << count_cpu << " threads" << std::endl; unsigned long long thoughtput = 0x4F4B5A37; for ( unsigned int j = count_cpu;j--;){ threads[j] = std::thread(thread_find,KeyBuf,argv[2],j,thoughtput); thoughtput+=1000; } for(unsigned int j = 0; j < count_cpu;j++) threads[j].join(); if(FoundNonce == 0){ RAND_bytes( KeyBuf+MutateByte , 90 ); std::cout << "Attempts #" << ++attempts << std::endl; } if(FindedNonce == 0){ std::cout << "Don't finded " << std::endl; return 0; } memcpy (KeyBuf + MutateByte, &FoundNonce, 4); std::cout << "Hashes: " << hashescounter << std::endl; std::ofstream f (argv[1], std::ofstream::binary | std::ofstream::out); if (f) { f.write ((char *)KeyBuf, keys.GetFullLen ()); delete [] KeyBuf; } else std::cout << "Can't create file " << argv[1] << std::endl; i2p::crypto::TerminateCrypto (); return 0; } #undef MODES